HCA 13/73 f.198r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.198r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and Mr Dunkin, (as this Deponent then understood) was admitted by
the said Mr ffernandez Mr Painter Mr Page and Mr Robles tp
be a sharer in the said Outward and homewards Cargoe.
And the said Mr Tilly, and another Merchant of Amsterdam
as this Deponent hath bin Credibly Informed) were and are sharers
or Partners in the said Outward and homeward Cargoe, The
foresaid Premisses hee deposeth living in house with the
said Mr Robles, and doeing most of his busines, touching
his Trade and Commerce, and alsoe wrote the foresaid Letter by
the said Mr Robles his order to the foresaid [?Carrion]: And
further cannot depose./:

To the 12th hee saith hee hath knowne the said Mr Page for
about five yeeres last and the said Mr Painter for about
two yeares last, and the said Mr Dunkin for about a yeere
last, and saith they are Commonly accounted English men and
subjects of this Comonwealth, and soe this Deponent beleeveth
them to be, and saith the said Mr ffernandez is Commonly
acccounted a subject of this Comonwealth and soe this
deponent beleeveth hee is, and saith the said Mr Robles
is a subject of this Comonwealth and hath here in
this City lived for about seaven yeeres last, and about
ffive yeeres since hee here married and hath here Continually
since lived with his wife and family in Dukes place London,
and payes taxes to this Comonwealth and all parish Surtes
which hee knoweth for that this Deponent hath lived with the said
Mr Robles in the Quality aforesaid for these six yeeres last,
And further cannot depose.

To the 16th hee saith that for about theise Eight monethes last
it hath bin, and is, publiquely noted, and reported upon the
Exchange London, that the arlate ship the hope (which was the ship
that went the said voyage) and her Lading were sent out
to the West Indies by the said Mr ffernandez Mr Page
Mr Painter Mr Robles, and Mr Sunkin, and other merchants of
holland, and that shee was and is returned againe for their
Account which hee knoweth for that hee hath for all the said
time, and much longer frequented the said Exchange/.

To the 17th hee saith hee hath knowne the said John Lopez
for about six yeeres last, during all which time hee hath
lived and Inhabited in and about this City of London,
saving such time as hee hath bin Imployed at sea
by English men, and ffreinds of this Comonwealth/.

To the Interrogatories./.[CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was none of the Company of the
said ship the hope, and saith hee this Deponent was borne at Sivill
in Spaine, and is a Batchelor, and hath lived for theise six
yeeres last in London and for foure yeeres before hee spent his time
in Travelling in Italy, ffrance and holland, and saith hee liveth
in house with the said Mr Robles in the Quality aforesaid, and to the
rest hee Answereth negatively./:
