HCA 13/73 f.142v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.142v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 7th hee saith that presently after the said Mr Caseby had
taken the said shipp Saint Laurence to ffreight as aforesaid, hee laded
on board her for his owne account a great Quantity of Goods to be Carried
and Transported in the said ship the Saint Laurence to the Canaries
and this Deponent sawe Peter Bennewijsent master of the said ship at the said Mr
Casebyes Lodging subscribe bills of Lading for the said goods
on the 26th of March 1658:- but doth not now particulalry remember the Number of B[?ales GUTTER]
or Trunks which were laden solely for the said Mr caseby [?es GUTTER]
Account, and having nowe seene the bills of Lading annexed to the [?said GUTTER]
Allegation hee saith the same was, and is one of the said
Bills which hee soe sawe the said Peter Bennewysent
subscribe, And further hee saith hee Cannot depose:/.

To the 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th and 15th hee saith that the said ship having receaved aboard
the foresaid Goods belonging to the said Mr Caseby, and
the Rest of her Lading shee set saile out of the River of
Thames bound for Teneriffe one of the Canarye Islands about the latter end of March of beginning of Aprill 1658.
and there arrived in safety (as this deponent hath bin
Credibly informed by Letters from thence, and other[XXX GUTTER]
And after the Arrivall of the said ship, at the Roade of
Oratava, (as this Deponent hath bin alsoe Credibly Informed
and as hee verily beleeveth) there were laden on
board the said ship by the said Don Christophall don
Alvarado, for the Account of the said Mr John Casby
fforty five Pipes of Canary wine, and one hundred
and thirty Bundles of Sassaperilla, And having seene
the Bill of Lading formerly Exhibited and remaining
in the Registry of of this Court, hee saith that hee being
well acquainted with the handwriting of the said Peter
Binnewijsent the Master of the said ship, and having seen
him many time write his name. hee is fully perswaded
in his Conscience that the said Bill of Lading was really
subscribed by the said Peter Benniewysent, on or about the
day of the sate thereof, And saith that hee hath heard
that there was alsoe a Hogshead of Red wine. laden on
board the said ship at Oratava the said time, for the Accounte of
the said Producent And further hee cannot depose/:

To the 17th hee saith that as the said ship was in her Course
of Proceeding from the Canaryes to the Port of London [and GUTTER]
was (as this deponent hath bin informed) taken by one Captaine
Aylet, and by him brought into Plymouth and from th[?ence GUTTER]
to this Port, and otherwise Cannot answer not being on
board her at her seizure:/:

To the 18th hee saith that the said John Caseby hath of this Deponent [XXXX GUTTER]
lived in ffanchurch streete, and Mayden Lane in London for [?theise GUTTER]
3-yeeres last, and verily beleeveth him to be an English man borne
and a Subject of this Comonwealth, for soe (hee saith) hee is Co[?monly GUTTER]
Accounted and reputed and otherwise cannot depose./:

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./.
