HCA 13/73 f.136v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.136v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


aboard the said shipp, and that this deponent being by the said master shipped
in the said shipp and service in the end of June 1656 at Lisbone, well
knoweth that the said Petersson, Uldricks Evarardsson and Lawrencesson were
shipped by the said master at Lisbone shortly after such shipping of this deponent
namely the said Lawrencesson and Ulricks on or about the first day of July 1656
Petersson on or about the fourth of August next following, and Reynard Eversson
on or about the 8th of the same moneth of August 1656, all to foe [?saile GUTTER]
and serve in the said shipp in the qualities schedulated for Roane the port of
her discharge, but for Jacob hendricksson hee saith hee was shipped before
this deponent and the said other five persons, and came to Lisbone in her,
And saith that the said shipp in her course from Lisbone for Roane comming
on the coast of England and having the winde badd and weather fowle
and want of victualls put into the Ile of Wight, where the said master
loitering and not [XXXXing] time for preservation of his voyage, the said
shipp was arrested, and brought to Portsmouth, where this deponent was
by the said master dischardged out of her and his wages paid him till that
time being in or about May 1657 and that hee left the said five persons schedulated aboard the said
shipp in the said service of her. And further that hee hath
heard (while hee was aboard) both the said master and the said five persons
severally say oftentimes that they were hired for the wages following
videlicet the said Jacob hendricksson at fifteene gilders per moneth, Peter
Ulrickson at foure and twenty gilders per moneth, Jan Peterson at
34 gilders per moneth Rinard Eawarson at fifteene gilders per
moneth and Peter Lawrenceson at 24 gilders per moneth. And this deponent hath seene tickets that were given to every of
them (which hee now hath with him and leaveth for the further information of
this Court and knoweth to be the hand writing of the said master) where[?in] the
said persons are mentioned to be hired at the said respective rates, And lastly that this
deponent being soe dischardged and being to and againe betwixt POrtsmouth
and the Ile of Wight to seake for imployment two monethes space or
more after such his discharge, saw and tooke notice that the said five persons
still continued in the service of the said shipp untill they were turned out
or dischardged by mr Lil[?a] the [?notary] (the master being in prison) this deponent
being then present and (sic) Portsmouth when they were soe turned out
which was on or about the eighth of July 1657, And being soe turned
out, the said John Peterson and Peter Lawrenceson went along to sea in the shipp
called the Hope of Hamborow, Claes Mayer master, wherein this deponent
also went, and this deponent well knoweth that when hee was soe
dischardged the said five persons had not any of them received their wages
nor was the master (falling presently into trouble and shortly into prison) able to pay them, and
when they were soe turned out hee heard them all complaine that they had
not received any of their wages, untill now and then a shilling or six pence
to drincke. And further hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee cometh required by mr Lil[?e] to speake the truth
in this busines, wherein hee is noe wayes concerned as hee saith, nor is ought
unpaid unto him, nor is to receive ought, nor liable to pay any of the wages
in question. And saith that this deponent hath received about six and
thirtie pounds sterling for his said wages, which was all truely dun unto
him for his wages.

To the second hee saith hee was present at Lisbone at the said hiring of the
said Peterson the carpenter and Peter Ulrickson the Cooke of the said shipp
and knoweth that the said master agreed with and shipped them at the foresaid