HCA 13/72 f.98v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.98v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 23th of November 1657/

Examined upon the sayd allegation/


Jonathan Lee of Ratcliff in the County of Middlesex Mariner
masters Cheife Mate of the shipp the Golden Cock the voyage
in question aged thirty six yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the sixth article of the sayd Libell hee saith that before the departure of
the shipp Golden Cock upon the voyage in question Richard Chappell who
was and went Master of her for that voyage by the arlate John Paige
Thomas Canham and Maurice Thomson the reputed freighters of the sayd
shipp for the sayd voyage, did hyre this deponent to goe his cheife
Mate of her the sayd voyage, and this deponent desyring to knowe of the sayd
Master whether the voyage was to bee made the sayd Master told this deponent
as hee alsoe did others of the sayd shipps compamy whome hee hyred to goe the
same that the sayd voyage was to bee made only from this port of London
to the port of Loratavo one of the Canarie Islands and thense to Bantam
in the East Indies where as hee sayd the sayd shipp was to take her
homewards ladeing and returne thense therewith for London and there the sayd
voyage to end, which as hee sayd hee doubted not to effect in the space
of sixteene monthes at most, and pretended not the to goe to any other ports
or places nor to staye any longer tyme upon the sayd voyage whereupon this
deponent entered into pay and went his Cheife mate for the sayd voyage And
further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 7th article of the sayd libell hee saith that hee this deponent going
Cheife Mate in her the sayd voyage knoweth that the sayd shipp the Golden Cock
was at the tyme of her setting forth upon the sayd voyage a strong tight
staunch and sufficient shipp and well provided with Anchors cables [XXX GUTTER]
masts sayles sayle yards gunnes and other materialls and well victualed
and fitted with all necessaries for a voyage of eighteene monethes or thereabouts
to bee made with her from London to any port or place within or without
the Straights mouth and to returne for London within the sayd tyme And
saith the sayd shipp was (as hee beleeveth sufficiently repayerd and fitted
for the sayd voyage before her goeing forth thereupon, but
at whose charge hee knoweth not And further to [this GUTTER]
article hee cannot depose/

To the 8th hee saith hee goeing masters Cheife mate of the sayd shipp
the voyage in question kept a Journall of the sayd voyage and thereby knoweth
that the sayd shipp with the sayd Chappell her Master and Company sett sayle from Gravesend
upon the voyage in question the tenth day of december one thousand sixe
hundred fifty fower and thense sayled to the Port of Loralova and of
the Canarie Islands and there tooke in wine and sayled therewith thense
to Bantam arlate and there arrived with the same on the fowerteenth
day of August one thousand sixe hundred fifty five and there of this
deponents sight and knowledge delivered her the sayd wine and her other
outward ladeing then on board her well conditioned and free from any
manner of dammage susteyned by and defect of the sayd shipp

To the 9th article of the sayd libell gee saith that the sayd shipp after
arrivall and unladeing at Bantam continued there till the