HCA 13/72 f.95r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 95 |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4517.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/02/18 | |
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Edited on 22/05/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The second of November 1657.
humphreyes and others ágainst the Willing Minde}
and against da Grates and other.}
Exámined upon the allegation given
in on behalfe of the said de Grates
and others.
Row dt.
Oliver Masson of henboure in ffrance
Mariner, aged 36 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
and exámined.
To the first second and third árticles of the said allegation, and to
the schedule mentioned in the said second article hee saith and deposeth
that hee well knoweth the vessell called the Hellena arlate and since
(as hee hath understood) called the Willing Minde, and hath credibly
heard and beleeveth that shee was taken by the arlate Captaine
William da Bois-Hardy Sieur de la fforrest, a ffrenchman and
subiect of the king of ffrance (whom this deponent alsoe well knoweth)
from the Spaniards and brought into ffrance and condemned as is
arlate for prize, and saith hee this exáminate formerly tooke out
another copie of the originall of the paper mentioned in the said second
article, being the adiudication of the said vessell, and saw the Greffier
write the same from the originall, and verily beleeveth this to be alsoe
a true copie, And well knew the arlate John Yvonn da ffebure
Greffier of Auray, of whom this deponent saw make the foresaid
copie that hee saw excerpted. And further deposeth that hee alsoe well knoweth the
arlate William da Grats John Cherel and John Briart, who
were and are commonly said and reputed to have bought the said
vessell with her lading of iron after such adiudication or condemnation
thereof for prize for the summe of six thousand six hundred pounds
Livers Tournois. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the fourth hee referreth him selfe to the paper therein mentioned and
beleeveth the same to be true and otherwise cannot depose, saving as
To the fifth, 6 and seaventh articles hee saith and deposeth that after such
buying of the said shipp the Santa hellen by the said da [?Groots] and
company aforesaid, namely in or about the moneth of October
1643 (about three monethes after the adiudication aforeaid) being
in possession of the said vessell, put and constituted this deponent
master of her, and hee then entred master upon her at Port Lewes
in Bretany to goe thense to Rochell, and other parts on the coast
of ffrance and thereabouts in the imployment of the said owners
thereof, and after theis deponent had bin thirteene monethes or
thereabouts master of her under the said owners da Grats, Cherell
and Briart, and made them severall retournes therewith, (shee
being freighted and imployed from L'une to L'une in their owne
immediate [?XXXXX] and merchandizing) hee this deponent
left her and then the said owners put one Salomon du Ponte
master of her, and hee continued master of her alwaies after till
her comming for England and was (as this deponent hath bin
informed) arrested at Bristol, and saith the sad du Ponte and
this deponent were and are subiects of the king of ffrance,
and saith the said owners put three peeces of [?XXXX] or [?XXXXX] into