HCA 13/72 f.83v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.83v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day

The Clayme of Wilde and other for the
Phenix Budd ffrancklin

Examined upon the allegation given in on the behalfe
of the sayd Wilde and others the Claymers./


Thomas Wilde of Yarmouth Esquire aged forty
eight yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth./

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee well knoweth
that the arlate shipp the Phenix was built originally at Yarmouth
in the yeares one thousand six hundred fifty sixe by the order
and direction and for Accompt of the arlate William Scapes Richard
huntington James Cheyney Christopher Greene and him this
deponent (being the arlate Thomas Wilde) who have of this deponents
knowledge ever since her building bin and still are the true and lawfull
Owners and Proprietors of her her tackle apparrell and furniture, and
which shipp hee saith hath ever since her building severall
tymes sett out to sea upon severall voyages for
the Accompte of this deponent and the other Owners aforesayd and
at their proper cost and charges And further to this article hee cannot

To the 2 hee saith that hee this deponent and the rest of the Owners afore
named did at their owne Cost sett out the sayd shipp Phenix from
Yarmouth for Sunderland in the moneth of July one thousand sixe hundred fifty seaven there to lade Coles for Accompt of this deponent
and the sayd other Owners aforesayd And hee further saith that hee this
deponent is by letters of advice which hee receaved from Christopher
Greene (who went Master of her from Yarmouth for Sunderland by order of
this deponent and her other owners) informed, that the sayd shipp safely
arrived at Sunderland in the sayd moneth of July 1657 and there tooke
in Coales for Accompt of this deponent and her sayd other Owners, and
that while shee lay in the Roade of Sunderland shee and the Coales shee
had taken in were togeather with a hoye called the Indurance and her lading
seized by a Spanish man of Warr belonging to Dunkirke Ostend or
some other of the King of Spaines Ports, and were both of them and
their ladeing about nyne or tenn howers after such their seizure
by the Spanish man of warr retaken by a shipp in imediate service
of this Commonwealth of England called the Pearle ffrigott and
by her brought into the Port of Scarborough arlate, And further
to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 3 article hee saith the arlate shipp the Phenix is of this deponents
knowledge of the burthen of three score tonne or thereabouts./

To the 4th hee saith that hee this deponent and the rest of the parties
arlate are all English men borne, and subiects of this Common=
wealth of England and Inhabitants of Yarmouth, where the
arlate William Scapes hath lived for those five or sixe yeares and
this deponent and the rest of the parties arlate for thise fifteene yeares
last past, And further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the Interrogatorie/ [CENTRE HEADING]
