HCA 13/72 f.72v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.72v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the Coast of Spaine chased and by one of them seized with the sayd forty nyne
potaccoes of Tobaccoe, sixe hundred sixty three hydes and fower chests of
Tortois shells, and other goods in her, which were all seized by the Captaine
and company of the sayd ffrigott and brought into England this hee knoweth
because hee sawe the same and was brought to the downes in the sayd
ffrigott in company of the sayd shipp Virgin Mary and All Saints which was
thense brought up into the River/

To the 13th hee saith the sayd ffonseca was aboard the sayd shipp
Virgin Mary at the tyme of her sayd seizure and had one of her bill
of ladeing for his sayd goods and testimonialls of her service and
subiection to the King of Portugall and his passe from Angola and her
writings about him all which this deponent sawe taken away from him by some
of the sayd ffrigotts Company (but by whome of them hee knoweth not)
who threw them over board into the sea soe that the sayd ffonseca was
by that meanes deprived of them.//.

To the 14th hee saith that all the severall goods under the respective
markes arlate were really and truly bought at Cartagena
by the sayd ffonseca and by him there shipped for his owne Accompt
and were and are the proper goods of the sayd ffonseca by him
provided and paid for at Cartagena with the proceeds
of the Negroes and other goods by him brought thither, And that noe
subiect of the King of Spaine hath any interest in the sayd goods

To the 15th hee saith the sayd ffonseca was with this deponent and
others Committed to Chelsey Colledge as prisoners from whense
afterwards the sayd ffonseca was released by the Lord Protector as
being a subiect of the King of Portugall./

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee hath knowne the Interrogate
ffonseca in the yeare 1649 and ever since and saith the sayd ffonseca
is about one or two and thirty yeares old and that hee hath noe personall
knowledge of his parents but hath seene a letter sent to the sayd
ffonseca by his Mother which mentioned that his father was dead
and saith hee beleeveth the Mother is still alive in Brazeele And
further hee cannot answere. saving his foregoeing deposition/

To the 2 hee saith hee this rendent was never at ffarnambuco And
further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot more particulerly answer
to this Interrogatorie./

To the 3 Interrogatorie hee saith hee was last at Angola in the yeare 1651 and saith
hee was there in the yeare one thousand sixe hundred forty nyne but was
not there in 1646 nor 1647 and saith hee sawe the sayd ffonseca
there in yeare 1651 and left him there where hee continued in the yeare 1653
