HCA 13/72 f.70v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.70v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


committed prisoners to Chelsea Colledge, the said producent hath bin
since and is thence released and set at libertie as being a subiect of
the king of Portugall, by his highnesse the lord Protectors order, this
deponent seeing him set at libertie, and this hee saith is alsoe
true and notorious.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee hath knowne the said producent eight yeeres
as aforesaid, and saith hee the said producent is of about 32 or 33 yeeres
of age, but this deponent never knew his parents, but hath seene
diverse letters brought him to Angola from his mother from Brazila
by shipping that hath come hense, together with goods, and hath seen
him receive and open some of them, and saith his father (as tis
commonly said there) is dead.

To the second hee saith hee was never as ffarnambuco, and otherwise
hee cannot answer.

To the third hee saith hee this exáminate came last from Angola
in the yeere 1653, and then left the said producent there, but this
deponent was not there in the yeere 1646 or 1647. And otherwise hee
cannot answer.

To the fourth hee saith that since and notwithstanding the warres
betwixt Spaine and Portugall, the Subiects of Spaine might and
frequently have and doe sell tobaccoes, hides, tortois shells and
other commodities (carried from the West Indies) at Angola,
and in like manner the Portugall subiects might and doe
frequently carry Negros and commodities from Angola to Cartagena and
there sell and barter the same and carry the proceeds thereof (if
they think a good and have occasion) into any other of the dominions
of the king of Spaine, and there dispose thereof, and all this
by vertue of licenses and permissions from which are frequently gained
and granted.

To the fifth hee saith that for all the time arlate all subiects
of the king of Portugall comming from Angola have had and
have free libertie to goe and trade at any of the ports of the
king of Spaine, and soe have the king of Spaine subiects at
Angola to goe to Angola, having a passe or license to that purpose
from Cartagena or otherpart of the West Indies to Saint Lucar
Cadiz or Saint Sebastians, without any danger of confiscation
having beforehand a passe as aforesaid

To the 6th hee saith that any subiect of Portugall comming from
to Cartagena or otherpart of the west Indies in the king
of Spaines dominions, and hath after occasion to goe thereunto and
carry goods and trade at any port in Spaine, hee shall have libertie
soe to doe by permission or passe that shall be
graunted him from the Governour of such place of the West Indies
whense hee goe for Spaine, the said Governour of course seeing his