HCA 13/72 f.694r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.694r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The fourth of January 1658/

Examined on the said Allegation/


Harabet Armenian of Nassivan in Persia merchant
aged 30 yeares or thereabouts sworne, and Examined

To the first and second hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate Lazaro Armenian
and hee hath done for about Nine yeeres last, who hee saith is comonly
accounted, and generally reputed, a Native of Tauris in the Kingdoms
of Persia, and for all the time of this deponent’s Knowledge of him
the said Lazaro, hee the said Lazaro hath bin, and is at this present
a subject of the king of Persia, and soe hee is Generally accounted
to have bin ever since his birth, and saith the said Lazaro,
having lived some time after his birth at Tauris, went from
thence to a Village called [Goia], in the Kingdome of Persia, and
in the Dominion of the King of Persia, and there lived, for many
yeeres, and there married an Armenian woman by [extraction] and
nation, but borne in Persia. And saith the said
Lazaro the wife liveth and inhabiteth in the said Towne of [Goia], and
soe doth the said Lazaro, saving when hee is out upon trading
voyages. The premisses hee deposeth for that hee hath lived
at Nassivan in Persia most of his time, and hath oftentimes bin
in Company with the said Lazaro. Both in Persia, and alsoe at
Legorne, and in the Grand signiori dominions, upon a trading account
And further cannot depose to theis arlate.
To the 3rd hee saith that about five or six yeeres since the said Lazaro
Armenian did upon a merchandizing and trading accompt, goe and
Depart from [Haga/Haya] aforesaid, and travelled into some parte of the
Dominion of the Grandsignior, and afterwards bound
thence to Smirna, where this deponent sawe him about four yeeres
since, and no further can depose.
To the 4th hee saith for the reasons aforesaid, hee well showeth the said
Lazaro Armenian nor ever was a subject of the King of Spaine
and further hee cannot depose.
To the 5th hee referreth himself to his foregoing deponent and further
Cannot depose.
To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true./
To the [Interrier ]
To the first hee saith he first saw the said Lazaro Armenian in Persia
and soe first saw him about [twosoe] yeeres since who
then was (as he now rememberd a maried man, and laded for his
owne account, and otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
To the 2d hee saith hee that deponent was borne at Nassivan in Persia,
hath had his residence and abode for theise last fifteene yeeres in Persia
Turkey, Leghorne, Poland, and here in England and saith hee hath bin [heice]
at Tauris, and hath bin very neere Goia, but never in the Towne, and
further hee cannot depose to this interr
To this 3e hee saith the said Lazaro Armenian, was called by the same name [that]
nowe hee is called, [soe] when his first knewe him and otherwise negatively saing as