HCA 13/72 f.68v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.68v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fourth hee saith it is very publique and notorious and
very true that notwithstanding the warrs to betweene Spaine and
Portugall, the subiects of the king of Spaine have and doe by license
as aforesaid goe and carry goods from the Spanish west Indies to
Angola, and trade there, and the subiects of the king of Portugall
goe and carry goods from Angola to the Spanish West Indies and
trade there, and that very frequently and securely, obtaining in the
first place license in that behalfe, which for a summe of money
is easily and frequently gained and gotten, and that the said subiects
of Portugall have and doe and may by vertue of their
licenses goe and carry the procede of their goods brought from
Angola to Cartagena to any other the dominions of the kinge of
Spaine and there dispose thereof and freely trade, and this hee
saith is usuall and common, notwithstanding the said warrs.

To the fifth hee saith that for all the time interrogated
any subiect of the king of Portugall might safely bringe his
goods from Cartagena or other part of the Spanish west Indies
unto Saint Lucars, or Cadiz or Saint Sebastians, in the dominions of
the king of Spaine, (having first obtained license as aforesaid
which is frequently and easily graunted) without any danger of
confiscation. And otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the sixth hee saith that the license or Permission of the Governour
of Angola graunted to a Portugall subiect to goe in a permission
shipp to Cartagena and trade there, is not a warrant to the said
Portugall subiect to lade goods at Cartagena and carry them
to other parts of the king of Spaine in Europe, but hee must and
of course carries goods in them for Spaine, is then a Permission shipp
and soe generally knowne, though hee bee a subiect at Portugall.

To the seaventh hee saith the said shipp the Virgin Mary and
All Saints of Cartagena came from Saint Lucar or Cadiz under the
conduct of don diago da Gasta to Cartagena, where hee this
deponent brought her, and came not from Angola, and that shee
is a Permission shipp, and soe are all the shipps trading betweene
Spaine and Cartagena, being bound to have particular licenses
to goe from one of those places to the other.

To the eighth hee saith that the interrate Antonio Martino de Messa
had equall power with this deponent as touching the freight and
merchandize of the said shipp, but not in the navigating of her for
that hee this deponent had sole command of her therein, and
that this deponent or his Purser signed all the bills of lading, and none were
signed by the said da Messa, And saith there were only two bills
signed (and were both of one tenor) for all the said goods claimed,
notwithstanding that there are three severall markes, which
markes they had when the said producent bought the, and had
laded them under the same markes hee bought them with as is
often donne as hee saith. And further hee cannot depose, saving
as aforesaid.

To the nineth hee saith hee sawe both the said bills of lading in
the hands and custodie of the said producent after such his imbarking
himselfe in the said shipp for Spaine, and that hee the producent tooke one of
them and put it into his chest, and delivered the other to another friend