HCA 13/72 f.67v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.67v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


them, and the rest this deponent at his instance carried in this deponents
vessell thence to Cartagena, where the said producent who went along
with them. disposed of them alsoe for his owne account. And further
hee cannot depose, saving the said producent vended the said Negro's
some of them for 380 peeces of eight per head of this deponents sight and
knowledge, and some for lesse.

To the nineth and tenth articles hee saith and deposeth that the said producent
out of and with the proceede of the said Negro's and other his merchandises
and effects bought and provided fourtie nine potacos of tobacoe
sixe hundred sixtie and three [XXides] and foure cheste of Tortoise
shells; and that the foresaid shipp the lady of Conquest being (as
hee saith shee was) after her arivall at Cartagena disposed
of by the Governour of Cartagena for and in the immediate service
of the king of Spaine, the said Antonio ffonseca da ffranca
mot finding th[XX] any shipp bound for Angola , and willing to save
his market and dispose of his said merchandizes, did in or about the
moneth of ffebruary last lade and put the said tobaccoes, hides and
shells aboard the said shipp the Virginia Mary and all Saints of
Cartagena (being a merchants shipp and then lying at Cartagena)
to be thence transported therein for or to Saint Lucas, Cadiz or Saint
Sebastians (which shee could best fetech and arrive at) for the proper
account of him the said producent, there to bee delivered for his account,
and that hee the said producent was then and still is the reall owner
and proprietor of all the said tobaccoes, hides and shells, and for
such commonly accounted, which hee knoweth for that hee this examinate
sawe him buy and provide them with the proceede of his owne Negro's, goods and
effects, and dd assist him in such buying and providing them
for his the said producents owne account, and this deponent being
master of the said shipp, received the same aboard her by the said
producents order, to be transported in her as aforesaid.

To the eleaventh article hee saith and deposeth that upon the lading
of the said fourtie nine potaco's of tobaccoe, six hundred sixtie three
hides and foure cheste of Tortois shells by the said producent, hee
this deponent master of the said shipp firmed bills of lading for
the same, namely two bills of lading for all the said goods, both which
bills hee saith were of one and the same tenor, and were reale
and true, purporting (as the truth was and is) that the said goods
were laden by and for account of the said producents and to be
transported as aforesaid, and saith that the said producent
imbarqued himselfe with his said goods in the said shipp
at Cartagena, and thence departed in her for the said [?coast] of
Spaine in or aboput ffebruary last, purposing there to sell and
dispose thereof for his best advantage, all which hee knoweth being
master of the said shipp and seeing the premisses soe donne, And
saith there were other goods alsoe laden in the said shipp for
Spaine for the account of others; And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the twelveth hee saith that the said shipp with her lading
(and there amongest the said tobaccoes, hides and shells) in her course
from Cartagena towards Spaine was taken and surprized by a
frigot in the immediate service of this Commonwealth
off Capa ffinis terra, and that at the time of the said seizure all of
[?the XXX]