HCA 13/72 f.674v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.674v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 10th of December 1658/ [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the shipp the Nicholas}
and Peter Van Pulls and company coming}
in for their interest Budd Suckley}

Examined upon an allegation given on the vehalfe
of the Lord Protector the 8th of december 1658./


Robert Saunders of Ratcliff in the parish of
Stepney alias Subonheath in the County of Middlesex, Victualler
aged twenty nyne yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne and examine saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first article hee saith that in or about the moneths of August
or September one thousand sixe hundred fifty eight the arlate Barnard
Johnson and this deponent and his contest Lawrence Pett being in company
togeather the sayd Bernard Johnson speakeing to the sayd Pett in the
presence and hearing of this deponent sayd that hee the sayd Barnard
had receaved a letter from Santo Domingo from the arlate Claes Johnson
his brother (who as hee sayd was there) in which letter (as the sayd
Bernard then affirmed) the sayd Claes Johnson did remember his
love to the sayd Lawrence Pett and also therein wished that the sayd
Lawrence were there at Santo Domingo with him the sayd Claes And
further to this article hee cannot depose/.

To the 2 and 3 articles hee saith saveing his foregoeing deposition
hee cannot depose to him./

To the 4th article hee saith that hee this deponent keeping a
victualling house in Ratcliff the foresayd Laurence Pett in or
about the moneth of May last 1658 came to lodge at this deponents
house and told this deponent that the arlate Bernard Johnson had
by him selfe and others bin very earnest and sollicitous to speake with
and have conference with him the sayd Lawrence Pett and that hee the
sayd Lawrence being utterly unwilling to have any conference with
the sayd Barnard had bidden those where hee lodged to denye him
the sayd Laurence to be within when in deede hee was, because hee would
avoide speakeing with him, and that to avoide speakeing with him hee
had then and severall nights before changed his lodgeing and come
and lodged at this deponents house to avoide speakeing with the sayd
Barbard and such as came from him, And hee saith that one
afternoone towards Evenin in the moneth of May aforesayd there
came out to this deponents house and enquired of this deponent
for the sayd Lawrence Pett (who was then in this deponents house) and
this deponent askeing him what hee would have with him and what
his name was, hee sayd hee was an auncient acquaintance of the
sayd Pett and one that had bin with him at the Tertudos and told this
deponent his name (which hee remembreth was Graves) where=
upon this deponent went to the sayd Pett and acquainted him thereof
and asked him whether hee were content that the sayd Graves should
come in and speake with him or not, and the sayd Pett sayeing yes the