HCA 13/72 f.671v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.671v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


peece of eight at the tyme of the sale of the pepper aforesayd
that the voyage in question would have amounted to one
thousand sixe hundred and fower pounds thirteene shillings fower
pence sterling money/


To the 13th hee saith that the pepper and sugar which the Olive Branch carried
in her the voyage in question for Accompt of the ffreighters arlate
did not amount to above one hundred thirty seaven tonnes And hee
this deponent knoweth that the sayd shipp was of about the burthen of
two hundred tonnes and would have carried soe many tonnes of goods
from Bantam to Ligorne And could well have carried two undred
eighty two pecalls of pepper to Ligorne more than shee did for the
sayd ffreighters Account And further hee deposeth not/



The 26th of November 1658/[CENTRE HEADING]

Examined on the sayd allegation./


William Stannard of Redereff in the County of Surrey