HCA 13/72 f.670v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.670v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


weighed Anchor and came up to them and Anchored about them
and told the Masters of the Olive Branch and Endimion that the
must not nor should goe into Bantam and thereupon hee
saith the Olive Branch and Endymion did not nor would goe into
Bantam this hee knoweth being Purser of the Olive Branch and
an Eue and Eare wittnesse of the premisses Amnd further hee cannot

To the 7th hee saith that the Master and Company of the Olive Branch
by reason of their being hindered of goeing into Bantam in
manner aforesayd were constrayned to goe and did goe to
Pollegarde arlate which is an extreame hott and unhealthfull
Island on the Coast of Sumatra and there tarry fower moneths
or thereabouts to take in their shipps ladeing which was faine
to be brought aboard by stealth in boats from Bantam And
while the sayd shipp soe lay there hee saith the sayd Brampton
the Master of her and some others of her Company (by reason
as hee beleeveth of the unhealhyfullness and intemperature of
the Eyre) there fell sick and dyed this hee deposeth of sight and
certayne knowledge being Purser and aboard her And further hee
cannot depose./

To the 8th article hee saith that the Master and Company and factors of
the shipp Olive Branch being as aforesayd not permitted to goe
into Bantam were as aforesayd enforced to take in the pepper and
sugar which they receaved aboard the sayd shipp at Polligunde
aforesayd which is about twenty five leagues distant from Bantam
aforesayd and did there take in and receave aboard their sayd shipp
for the freighters Accompt only fourteene hundred twenty nyne
parcells of pepper and noe more and fower hundred wighty and
seaven pecalls and fourtie five Cattees of sugar and noe more
every pecall of pepper and every parcell of sugar conteyning one
hundred thirty two pounds English weight, for every of which pecalls
of pepper there was paid in behalfe of the sayd freighters sixe and
a halfe peeces of eight cleere aboard the sayd shipp and five and a
halfe peeces of eight for every pecall of the sayd sugar, and [?XXX]
the same could not there be gotten aboard, this hee the better knoweth
for that hee was imployed on the behalfe of the sayd freighters to take
the weight and did on their behalfe take the weight of the sayd pepper
and sugar And alsoe for that hee was privie to the buying thereof and
paid and sawe paid a great part of the money parid for the same
And further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 9th article hee saith that in case the shipp the Olive Branch had
bin permitted to have gone into Bantam and there reaceaved her lading