HCA 13/72 f.630r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.630r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first Article hee saith hee well knoweth the Interate
Ship the Constant Joane, and hath soe done for about a yeere
and halfe last, which ship hee saith belongeth to the Port of
Liverpoole and is of the burthen of about seaventy Tonne,
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the second heesaith hee hath knowne the Interrate Ralph
Standish personally but by the space of three weekes alst, but
the Interrate Gilbert Standish hee hath well knowne for
about fifteene monethes last which said Ralph Standish, and
Gilbert Standish did ffreight the said ship (as this deponent
verily beleeveth for that they are mentioned soe to doe in the
Charterparty made for the said voyage, a Copy whereof this
deponent hath seene and read over( upon a voyage to be made
from :Liverpoole to Dublin in Ireland and thence to the Canary Islands and soe to Barbadoes and Jamaica and other
places thereabouts, And saith that this deponent aboard the
said ship did heare the Interrate Joseph Prone say and
Affirme, that hee the said Prone, was able, and Could Conduct
and mannage a ship to any place in the world and further hee
Cannot depose, saving hee saith hee hath Credibly heard and
veryly beleeveth that the said Prone did affirme and give himselfe out
to the producents to bee an able, skillfull and experienced seaman and master of a
ship, and fitt and able to Conduct and mannage a ship to
any port or place, and that upon such his giving himselfe out
to be an Able and Skillfull seaman and Master the said Producents
were Contented that hee should goe Master of the said ship the
said Voyage, verily beleeving him (by reasons of such his
affirmation) to be an Able and Experienced seaman and master of
a ship:/: