HCA 13/72 f.62r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.62r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Christopher harle Edward horken Gilbert Cutt Richard Kingston
Roger ha[?ll]ey humfrey Triggs John Lash George Blowe and hugh Nakes were
and Phillip Rogers in the sayd schedule named and others were all of them
Mariners serving aboard the sayd shipp at such tyme as this deponent
soe shipped him selfe and goods as aforesayd aboard the sayd shipp at the
Barbados, and the sayd Peter County was then Chirugion of the sayd shipp,
and they all continued and served aboard the sayd shipp every of them
according to their places of this deponents sight and knowledge from the sayd
twenty fowerth of November 1656 untill the sayd shipps arrivall at London
which was about the latter end of June or beginning of July 1657; And
further to those articles hee cannot depose for that hee came not on board
the sayd shipp till the tyme aforesayd nor knoweth ought touching the
hyreing of any of the sayd persons nor at what rates they were hyred
nor any thing touching the passages in the sayd shipps voyage before the sayd twenty fowerth
of december November one thousand sixe hundred fifty sixe./

To the 4th 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
the sayd shipp the Recovery having taken in her lading departed for
England departed therewith from the Barbados bound for England upon
the sayd twenty fowerth day of November 1656 toward evening
and the same night there happened a very great storme by force
whereof the mayne mast of the sayd shipp was cracked and her
mayne topsayle splitt and two or three of her mayne shrowdes broken
and shee being before her comming out of harbour in the Barbadoes
leakie as this deponent well observed) was by the violence of the sayd
storme made farr more leakie, in soe much that her Company
with the helpe allsoe of this deponent and other the passengers on
board her, had much to doe with continuall labour at two pumpes
to keepe her above water and prefevent her from sinkeing, And saith
that of his this deponents sight and knowledge a quantitie of ffustick
which was on board was by Command of the sayd Joshua Bartlett the
Master throwne over board that they might the better come at the leakes
to stopp them, and the master (for that his Company sayd the were was doubtfull
that dammage would bee ladid to their charge for the sayd ffustick if they
first began to throwe the same over board) did him selfe first begin, and
throwe the first loggs over board, and command the rest to be throwne over
board, which being done such leakes as they could come att were
in some measure and soe well as for the present they could bee stopped,
which notwithstanding the shipp still continued very leakie and was
continually pumped with two pumpes soe that the Company of the sayd
shipp Gilbert arlate (whereof the arlate Croford was Comander)
being not farr from the shipp Recoverie, and having come in company
with her from the Barbados, the sayd Croford haled the Master and