HCA 13/72 f.625v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.625v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


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The first of November 1658.

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.



Simon de Souza of London Merchant, aged 55 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne and examined

To the first second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that hee
well knoweth the producent Manuel Martines [?derauldo] and hath soe
donne for theise five yeeres last or thereabouts, and saith that in or about
the month of September 1654 the said producent comming from Amsterdam
came to this citie and meeting with this deponent (who is
an hebrew as the said producent is) declared unto him (as hee did to
many others of his freinds and acquaintance) that hee was come to see the
place and countrey, for that he had a desire to settle here with his
wife and familie, and that f hee liked it, hee would send for his
wife and familie, and shortly after the said producent declaring his
good liking of this citie for habitation, did accordingly send for
his wife and familie, who came shortley over, and the said producent
tooke a house in Saint Hellens and fixed his habitation there having
taken a lease of it for seaven yeeres, and ever since the said producent
hath lived in this citie, and paid taxes and duties as a subiect of
this Commonwealth, and bin from time to time accounted a subiect
thereof and an Inhabitant of London, And saith further that
the said producent his Hebrew name is David Abra[?binet],
and by that name is commonly called amongest the Hebrewes, but
his name of traffique and commerce is Manuel Martins Dormedo, and
by that name hee is commonly written and called in matter of commerce
And saith that the producent hath a sonne named Solomon, who when he
is at home, liveth here with the producent, And lastly that hee hath heard
and beleeveth that the said producent hath many debts owing to him in
Brazila, And further hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories.


Symon de [?Sesa] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]