HCA 13/72 f.569r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.569r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 30th day of August 1658:

A businesse of Examination of Wittnesses on the}
part and behalfe of Michael dibbs, Richard Hicks}
Thomas [?Tur?nall] and Companie Englishmen and}
Subjects of the Commonwealth of England owners}
of a certaine shipp called the ffrederick (whereof}
Samuel Stanton was Captaine and Commannder}
and of her tacke apparrell and furniture
unto the same belonging, and on the part and Behalfe
of Samuell Mico, daniel Skynner and others of}
London Merchants and Subjects of the Commonwealth}
of England Owners of the lading of the said}
ship ffrancklin}

Examined upon Interrogatories
administred on the part and behalfe
of the before mentioned Owners
of the said shipp the Frederick
and of her lading.



Samuel Stanton of Ratcliff in the
parish of Stepney alias Stebon heath in the
County of Middlesex Mariner late Commander of
the said shipp the Frederick aged 43. yeares or
thereabouts a Witnesse produced, sworne and
examined upon the said Interrogatories saith and
deposeth as followeth to witt

To the first Interrogatorie he deposeth and saieth, That he well knoweth
the shipp the ffrederick interrate as being the person in the Interrogatorie
mentioned by the name and quality of Samuel Stanton Captaine and
Commander of the said shipp and that he this examinate is thereby well
assured and certainely knoweth, That the said shipp and her tackle, apparrell
and furniture thereunto belonging did and doe really and justly
belong and appertaine unto the said Michael Dibbs, Richard Hicks and
Thomas [?TXknall] and unto John Beauchamp and William Beauchamp
and one Mr Brenton and to him this examinate whoa re all of them
Englishmen and Subjects of this Commonwealth of Engand, and for and as
such well knowne to this deponent and generally so knowne reputed and taken
to be. Which is all that this examinate can, as he saieth depose to this