HCA 13/72 f.537v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.537v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


wsa in her course for Bantam about Pullambam Point which
is about fifty myles from Bantam the ffrancis and John was
haled by a dutch shipp of warr whereof as hee afterwards
understood one Captaine Rose was Captaine and by the sayd shipp in the imediate service
of the ducth East India Company which Captaine of the sayd ducth
shipp did demand of this deponent whether his sayd shipp the ffrancis
and John was bound and this deponeny answered that shee was bound
for Bantam to the English factory there and was an English shipp
belonging to Englishmen Merchants of London and subiects of the Common
wealth of Englnad, or this deponent answered in words to the like
effect And saith the sayd dutch Captaine did acknowledge to this
deponent that hee was imployed by the dutch East India Company
on purpose to hinder the English from having anyy commerce or
trade with Bantam And further to these Interrogatories hee deposeth not./.

To the 6th 7th and 8th Interrogatories hee saith that after hee this deponent
had soe told the sayd dutch Captaine that his shipp the ffrancis and
John was bound for Bantam the sayd dutch Captaine required this
deponent to come aboard the sayd dutch shipp whereto this deponent
replyed and sayd that hee could not leave his shipp but if
hee (meaning the sayd dutch captaine) pleased to come with his
boate aboard the ffrancis and John hee should bee welcome whereupon
the sayd dutch Captaine, Captaine Rose with some of his Company
came in their shipps boate aboard this deponents shipp, and after
some civill salutations had passed betweene them the sayd Captaine
Rose told this deponent that hee had order from his Admirall
who riddd at the North East end of the Isle of Polypanjam to bringe
all English shipps that hee should meete with before his sayd
Admirall to that place, and therefore required this deponent to
goe with his sayd shipp thither with him, and hee this deponent
thereupon went with the sayd Captaine Rose with his sayd shipp
to the sayd Admirall to the place aforesayd where hee this deponent
being come found An other English shipp called the ffrederick
whereof one Captaine Stainton was Commander who had his [?XXX]
destroyed by the saud dutch East India shipps And hee saith the sayd
dutch Admirall (by name Visnegell) told this deponent that hee must
not nor should doe with his shipp the ffrancis and John into Bantam
because there was a warr betwixt the dutch East India Company
and the King of Bantam and soe kept this deponents shipp upon
command there from the nyne and twentith day of July 1657 untill
the one and twentith day of August next after and would not nor did
suffer this deponent with his shipp the ffrancis and John nor the sayd Captaine
Stainton with he shipp the ffrederick to foe into the Roade of Bantam
but kepy them under Command at the North East end of Polypanjam
which is distant from the Citty of Bantam about fower leagues and
further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose/
