HCA 13/72 f.527r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 527 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 02/12/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5382.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/12/02 |
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To the third Interrogatorie hee saith the shipp Postillian aforesayd
with her sayd outward Cargo came neere Bantam and being
come within some few leagues of it a dutch shipp (which as hee after
wards understood was called the Sea hound) with a dutch Captaine and
dutch mariners aboard her mett the Postilian in her passage for
Bantam and hold her cnd came presently aboard the Postillian
with his Boate and demanded of John Kingsman the Master
whence his sayd shipp came and whether shee was bound whereto the
sayd Kingseman replyed shee came from London and was bound
with his Cargo for Bantam to trade there, whereto the sayd
dutch Captaine replyed and sayd, shee must not goe to
Bantam to trade for that the dutch East India Company
had warr with the King of Bantam And the sayd Kingsman
thereto answered and sayd [?XXX] the like in effect what is that to the English they
have noe warr with those of Bantama nd they have an
English factory there must they bee hindered of trading
at thei owne factory there for your warr and required the
sayd dutch Captaine to shew him his Commission if hee
had any to hinder the English from foeing into Bantam
whereto the sayd dutch captaine answered and sayd hee
had noe such Commission, but what hee did was but by
way of entreaty and that hee did only desyre him to goe
to Battavia whereto the sayd Kingsman replyed and sayd
if your speaking to the dutch Captaine) will give it mee under
your hand that if I goe to Batavia I shall there have as good
a price for my outward Cargo as the same will now yeild
at Bantam, and that I shall there have my homewards
ladeing at the like rates as I can have it at Bantam, I
will goe to Batavia and not to Bantam for I am indifferent
to which place I goe soe I can sell and buy at the rates I can
at Bantam, or he spake words to that effect whereto the sayd
dutch Captaine answered and sayd hee could give the sayd Kingsman
noe such assurance, or to that effect All which discourse or
words to the like effect passed betweene the sayd Kingsman
and the sayd dutch Captaine in the English tongue on board the
shipp Postillion in presence and hearing of this deponent
and most of the company of the Postillion who were upon her
deck listning to the discourse of the sayd Commanders And
further hee deposeth not./
To the 4th hee saith that after his discourse oassed the dutch
Captaine and those of his boates crew that came with him after