HCA 13/72 f.523v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.523v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 11th hee saith that the Company of the Olive Branch having
bin hindered by the meanes aforesayd were willing to faine tyme
and in order thereto after winter was a little over with what speede
they could come from the sayd Island Mauritius, and by her early
coming away thence mett with severall violent stormes and tempests
which much endangered her, and damnified her in her
hull sayles tackle and furniture to the value (in this deponents
Judgment) of about fower or five hundred pounds sterling
all which had in all probability and as hee beleeveth bin avoided
had not the sayd shipp bin hindered in manner aforesayd
by the shipps of the sayd dutch East India Company
And further hee cannot depose

To the 12th hee saith the arlate hill, Gregory, Crone and
Company by the reason of the losse of tyme being hindred
and detyned in manner aforesayd for betwixt sixe and seaven
moneths tyme have (in this deponents Judgment) suffered losse
and dammage thereby (beside the dammage predeposed of) the
summe of a thousand and six hundred pounds sterling or
thereabouts, soe that in this deponents Judgment they are well
damnified two thousand pounds sterling and upwards And further
hee cannot depose/

To the 13th hee saith hee knoweth for that hee went
in the longe
Boate of the Olive Branch from Pullegande to Bantam and remayned
at Bantam a good part of the tyme her ladeing was sending thence
in boates, hee knoweth that there was then and beleeveth there still is
an English factory at Bantam and divers English merchants
resideing there, and beleeveth and hath credibly heard that there
hath soe bin for these forty or thirty yeares last past and that
the English have ttraded freely thither during all that ty,e
saving that for these two yeares last or thereabouts they have bin
molested and hindered in their trade thither by the dutch And
further hee cannot depose/

To the 14tha rticle and the schedule therein mentioned hee
saith the sayd schedule is all his this deponents owne hand
writeing and that the contents thereof are true and soe had and
done as therein is conteyned And hee alsoe saith that the
arlate ffrederick Skinner whose name is subscribed to the