HCA 13/72 f.507v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 507 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5341.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/11/03 |
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thereof, as being then a Prisoner in the said dutch fleet.
To the 10th article hee saieth, That he conceiveth and verily
beleeveth, That when the said sugars were laden in on board the
said shipp ffortune, the said Master thereof did according to the
general use and Custome in the Like Cases, signe severall bills
of lading for the same, and this deponent also verily beleeveth, that the
said Master did bring some of the said bills of lading soe by him
signed and also diverse other papers, as Invoyces letters Coquets
or other writings concerneing the said shipp and her said Lading
from the Bahia and fernambuco aforesaid to be delivered,
this deponent verily beleeveth, to severall persons in Lisbone, and [?XXXX]
by which the distinct and severall persons to whom the said [?XXXX]
were severally to be delivered were, as this deponent also beleeveth [?XXXX]
downe, And this deponent further verily beleeveth That the said
Dutch Captaines Commanders or Companies or some of them
upon the surprizing and taking of the said shipp the fortune
did unduely and by force take and carry away the said papers
writings out of the said shipps as this deponent hath most credibly
heard, and hath great reason to beleeves, for that the said seizer[?XXX]
did in like manner deale with this deponents shipps - papers; And
this deponent further beleeveth, That by meanes of such seizure of
the said writings, and for that there is no conveyance from
Lisbone to London by the ordinary Poast, but onely by sea, which
requires a long time, the dist[XXXX] specificall and particular [XXXX]
of each person to each or only part of the said Lading cannot for the
present be distinctely and specifically sett downe. And further
to this [said] Article hee deposeth not./
To the 11th he saieth, That the said shipp the fortune with as
much of her lading as was not by the said Dutch seizors taken
out of her as aforesaid was by the said Dutch seizors or some of
them brought to Plimouth arlate where this deponent hath seene the same
where, the propertie of the same remaining still in the said Brazeele
Companie [?and] others the Subjects of the said king of Portugall, the
same have at their suite beene arrested, (as this deponent hath heard
and beleeveth) by a warrant of this Court, as belonging to them
in point of propertie, And that the said goods have beene since by Commission of
this Court unladen out of the said shipp, and the quantities [?XXXX]
and markes thereof have beene removed into this Court, as this
deponent also beleeveth, and for his full certainety therein referreth
himselfe to the acts and proceedings of this Court./
To the last he saieth, his foregoeing deposition is true./
Repeated with his precontesters before
Colonell Cocke./