HCA 13/72 f.492r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.492r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to goe into Bantam roade, although they had a greate quantitie
of goods that were there to have bin dischardged, and saith there came
a dutch shipp along with her from the dutch fleete lying at
Pullapanjam, to watch and looke to her as hee conceiveth.
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 15th hee cannot depose.

To the 16th and 17 hee saith hee hath heard to the effect arlate, and
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 18. hee saith that the respective times aroresaid of the siad
injuries donne by the dutch to the English, the foresaid English shipps
wore the English colours, and were well knowne to the dutch to be
English vessells, and belonging to the English; and that the said
shipps that did the said Injuries were all dutch shipps and in the dutch their service namely
the Erasmus, the Post, the Capa da A[?rcus] (sor some such name)
the ffalcon and diverse others, And were all belonging to the
Netherland Companie of Marchants (subiects of the States of
the United Netherlands) trading to East India and places thereabouts,
and the said fleete of dutch shipps were commanded somtimes
by the Heer Schouten and somtimes by the Herr lilly arlate
both dutch men, in the Imployment and service of the said
Netherlands East India Company. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 19th hee saith that the said English East India companie and
persons in whose imployment the said English shipps were, have
by the said injuries and actions donne unto them by the dutch
suffered losse and dammage to the summe of fourtie thousand pounds at least in his estimation besides
the dishonour thereby put upon the English nation, And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.



The 19 of August 1658.

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.


Captaine Arnold Browne of the parish
of Stepney in the County of Middlesex Mariner
aged 33 yeares or thereabouts sworne and

To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
hee hath made two voyages to the East India's as a Mariner, and
the last thereof was in the yeares 1655, 1656 and 1657, at which
time hee went Commander of the shipp the Beniamin in the
service of severall members of the English East India company,
and saith hee hath bin at Bantam and well knoweth that the said Company
had and have a factory there setled and at other parts and places in the East
Indias whereunto they have used to send their shipps and goods, and there to
maintaine and imploy servants and officers about their commerce, about receiving
their goods from England and making retournes thereof, and that the said company
or some of them had there severall shipps in their service and imployment in the
said yeares 1655, 1656, and 1657 of this deponents sight and knowledge, namely
the Marigold, the Eagle, the Three Brothers and others and the said



Arnold Browne


Primary sources



C 111/190 Chancery: Master Brougham's Exhibits. PACKET 35: UNKNOWN CAUSES: Assignment of lease of Lady Wentworth to Arnold Browne of Stepney, Middx, of land at Stepney. 31 December 1669


PROB 11/369/511 Will of Arnold Browne, Mariner of Mile End, Middlesex 24 April 1682