HCA 13/72 f.489v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.489v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the nineth article hee saith and deposeth that while this deponent
was soe ashore at Bantam with the said Agent, the said shipp
the Marigold (wherein this deponent as aforesaid was when the
Endymion from Jambee came neare Bantam, as hee hath predeposed)
went to Battavia, and was there when this deponent soe came
thither with the Agent as aforesaid, And saith that after the
said Agents going there ashore and while hee was ashore, his
Scrutores were by the order of the said Gouvernour
Generall sent for from the said shipp the Marigold (wherein they
were) and brought ashore into the Castle at Battavia
and being soe brought they were there broke open and the
Letters, and other dispatches and papers (bythe Gouvernours order
perused by persons thereto appointed, and thereby all the
English companies transactions, consultations held in those parts
and other secrets discovered to the dutch, there being
amongst the said papers the letters and memories
relating to the said English companies officers from the yeare
1652 to the yeare 1655 in Bantam, Macasser and other
places, and the dispatches had and sent betweene Bantam and
Macassar, all which hee knoweth because hee was permitted
to be present at the said perusall, which hee saith was done
by a dutch committee in much diligence, they not suffereing a
paper to passe unreviewed, though the wauantitie was very greate
and least any of them should be subducted, they set one on
purpose to look and watch that none of them were slipt
away whilest they were perusing others of them. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

To the tenth hee saith that hee this deponent in or about
November last was a twelve moneth meeting with
a dutch shipp betweene Bantam and Battavia,
that was turning up to windward towards
Bantam, understood, that shee was looking out for the shipp
the Golden Cock arlate to take her pepper from her,
and saw that there were three dutch sloopes attending the said dutch
shipp upon the said designe, but the winde being against them
and s{?hewing] the Cock, shee
escaped them, as this deponent was informed
And further hee cannot depose.

To the eleaventh hee saith that while this deponent was soe
at Battavia with mr ffrederick Skinner the English agent
the shipp arlate the Olive Branch came and arived there
to complaine, and her commander and company did
complaine to the said Agent that they comming from England
designed for Bantam, were not permitted but
expressely prohibited by the dutch fleete lying at