HCA 13/72 f.478r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.478r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


carry the same to Porto Porto in Portugall for the said
fernandez and Companie their use and accompt, and to bring other goods in the
same from thence to france for the proper accompt of him the said fernandez And that forthwith after the fraighting
of the said shipp as aforesaid the said Antonio fernandez did
order the same to proceed to dartmouth, where shee safely
arrived, and after her arrivall there the said Antonio fernandez
Carvajall did for the use and accompt aforesaid cause to be laden
and putt on board the said shipp by the Agent or Correspondent
one Thomas Jago there residing, the said fish consisting in and
of 2060. quintalls of dry fish or thereabouts, which he had
bought of One Richard Bogan of London Merchant for the
summe of eleaven hundred and fifty pounds sterling or thereabouts, and
ordered and connsigned the same to be carried in the said shipp to
POrto Porto aforesaid, and to be delivered there unto one
Policarpio de Oliveira a Merchant there living, and that fo
the said ffernandez his his accompt, and for the accompt of Antonio
Rodrigues de Morais and Jeronimo and Raphael Rodrigues Lamego
his Correspondents Merchants of Roan; And the said ffernandez
by himselfe or his assignes did of this deponents certaine knowledge
with his owne money satisfy and pay the said Richard Bogan
for the value of the said fish either in ready money (as this deponent for the most part sawe) or by
assignements which this deponent writt or read And this deponent further saieth, That the said shipp
with her said lading of fish did safely arrive at Porto Porto
aforesaid, at which place the said Policarpio received the same
for the use and accompt aforesaid, as it hath sufficiently appeared to
this deponent by advise thereof sent from the said Policarpio to the
said fernandez to that effect, which advise this deponent in the quality
aforesaid hath seene and perused, as also the Charterpartie concerning
the said affraightments and voiage, and the letters which have
passed to and from all the said Correspondents in relation to
the transactions abovesaid And further to this article hee
deposeth not./

To the third Article of the said Allegation hee saieth, That at such time
as the said Antonio fernandez did send or cause the said shipp
to be dispatched and sent away with her said lading of fish designed
from dartmouth to proceed to Porto Porto aforesaid, hee the
said fernandez
did send order and instructions in and