HCA 13/72 f.475v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.475v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Mr ffernandez at such time as hee did dispatch and send away
the said shipp and lading of fish for Porto Porto aforesaid did
send by or in the said shipp orders and instructions to him the said
Policarpio da Oliveira, That upon the receipt of the said fish
he should dispose of the same, and shoul retourne in the said shipp
a lading of Sugars Shumack and Tobaccoes from Porto Porto
aforesaid to Roane in france and should consigne the same to
the arlate Anthonio Rodrigues da Marais and to Jeronimo
and Raphael Rodrigues Lamego Merchants there for the use
and accompt of him the said fernandez or to that effect and
purpose. Which the premisses this deponent is also well assured of, for that he
this deponent by the direction of the said fernandez and as his said
Assistant did write a letter or letters importing such order as
aforesaid, which was or were sent immediately to dartmouth,
to the intent to be carried over to Portugall in the said shipp, and
by the Master thereof to be delivered unto the said Policarpio
da Oliveira. And further to this article hee deposeth not/

To the fowerth Article hee saieth, That hee well knoweth and
is familiarly acquainted with the said Antonio Rodrigues da
Morais and Jeronimo and Raphael Rodrigues Lamego, and
thereby is well assured that they now are and in the yeares
1655. 1656. and 1657. were the factors Agents and
Correspondents of the said Antonio ffernandez Carvajal.
and were and are indebted and ingaged unto him in the summe
of 3000 li sterling at the least, as this deponent hath seen and
observed in and by the bookes of Accompts of the said fernandez
and by sewerall missives in that time passing too and fro betweene
the said fernandez and his said Correspondents, and have
acknowledged to this deponent that or the like debt, according as accounts or
exchanges from time to time heightened or abated betweene them, And this
deponent further saieth, That he also well knoweth, That the said
Policarpio da Oliveira in all the yeares aforesaid was the
ffactor Agent or Correspondent of the said Antonio
Rodrigues da Morais and Jeronimo and Raphael Rodrigues
Lamego, as this deponent hath well observed during his residence
at Roan within the yeares aforesaid, in which time this
deponent being familiarly acquainted with the said parties,and privy
to their negotiations, did take notice, that they did send
considerable Cargaizons of goods from Roane consigned to this