HCA 13/72 f.467r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.467r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


one of an other untill such tyme as the Consents Cable brake as aforesayd
And as hee beleeveth could not have endammaged one an other if the Consents
Cable had not broke and shee moored in a new place in manner aforesayd
And further to this article hee deposeth not./

To the 6th hee saith as afore, that the Phenix Anchors lay north and south till such
tyme as the Consent came and lay Crosse the Phenix hawse, and in case they
did afterwards the Easterly and westerly hee beleeveth that the Consent
did by her comming crosse the Phenix hawse draw home the Phenix
Anchors and thereby alter the lyeing of them And further hee cannot depse

To the 7th hee saith hee cannot depose not knowing what Company the
Consent had on board her the tyme arlate to looke to her, but beleeveth
that had shee had men on board her who could have vered abd
hawled the dammage in question might bave bin prevented./

To the 8th article hee saith hee well knoweth having bin a Master of shipps
for these fowerteene yeares last and frequented the River of Thames That
it is the Custome amongst Mariners and Masters who ride at Anchor in
the sayd River that they ought to have two or three men at least on board
to looke to their shipps who may bee able to vere and hale upon any occasion
of danger./

To the 9th hee saith hee did observe and take notice that the Consent at the
tyme when shee receaved the dammage in question was an old shipp and
hee this deponent often frequenting the River of Thames from Newcastle and
other places did observe that the Consent had ridd upp and downe in the River
of Thames severall moneths, and beleeveth shee was out of imployment And
saith hee hath heard amongst seamen and beleeveth it to be a use and Custome
amongst them that shipps ought not to lye moored by their owne Cables
without two or three men aboard them to vere and hale if neede bee unlesse
they lye hawled ashoare And further hee cannot depose/.

To the last hee saith that the place whether the arlate Swyer caused the Consent
to be hawled is farr distant from the place were (sic) shee suffeyredd dammage
by the Anchor of the Phenix whereas hee might have hawled her on
shoare to very convenient place neerer to the place where shee was dammaged
which if hee had done this deponent beleeveth the
charge of the sayd dammage had not amounted to halfe soe much as it did
by carrying her soe farr off, and alsoe for that hee knoweth that the
sayd shipp susteyned much dammage at that place whereto shee was
hawled by lyeing sunke many tydes shee being an old shipp And
further hee deposeth not./

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie at the request of the
producent Church and hath receaved nothing nor expecteth or is promised any
thing for his testimony And to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively

To the 2 hee saith the dammage in question happened in the yeare 1657 but
the moneth or day of the moneth hee remembreth not And further saving his
foregoeing depositions hee cannot answere./

To the 3 Interrogatorie hee saith hee was not aboard the Phenix the tyme Interrogate
nor saw her Anchors layd out, but sawe them sone (sic) after they were layd out
and observed they lay north and south or neere thereabout And further saving
his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/

To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition hee
cannot more particularly answere to this Interrogatorie./