HCA 13/72 f.447r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.447r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Interrogatories ministred by his highnes
Advocate Proctor etcetera/

To the first Interrogatorie, the danger of an oath being declared
to the examinate, hee saieth hee shall not otherwise answer then
what he was present at, or is otherwise fully convinced in
Conscience to be reall and true to the best of his understanding
judgement and remembrance./

To the second he answereth and saieth That hee this deponnent
was not present at nor did heare, or see, the immediate order
given by the said Owners for the building of the shipp the
daniel interrate. And further saving his deposition to the
first article of the Allegation in this Cause exhibited, to which he
referreth himselfe, hee saieth hee cannot depose.

To the third Interrogatorie hee saieth he was not present at the
payment of any money for the building of the said shipp or for
the materialls or furniture thereof, And further saieth not/

To the fowerth Interrogatorrie, he saieth, That the said Evert
Gislin, Abraham Van Peeron, daniel Thyssen Jellison,
Peter Alteras, Joris Brest, jacob van hoorne,
Peter Bogart and Vincent Adrianson were the Originall
Owners each of them of one twelfth part of the said shipp to the
best of thei deponents remembrance (as to the said shares) And this
examinate further saieth, That John Allert otherwise Blumill
and the widdow of Peter Michaels, (as this deponent hath very
credibly heard and verily beleeveth,) were and are each of them
owners of a like twelfth part of the said shipp, and that one Marvin
Wadde of fflushing aforesaid was one of the originall Owners
of a 24th part of the said shipp, and the reason of such this
deponents knowledge and perswasion he declareth to be and arise
by meanes of his long and familiar acquaintance with the
principall of the aforementioned Owners and by the common
and notorious fame and repute in Zeeland aforesaid touching
their the said Owners severall and respective Proprieties
aforesaid. And further saieth not to this Interrogatorie/:-

To the fifth Interrogatorie hee saieth, he referreth himself to his
answer made to the third precedent Interrogatorie, And further
answereth not/-

To the 6th hee saieth, That hee this examinate was not present at
nor did ever see any accompte made of any the proffits
earned by the said shipp daniel. And further saieth not