HCA 13/72 f.434r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.434r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 19th of July 1658. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of John Walker, Edward Wigg}
henry Thompson, henry Carpenter John hayward}
and John holder, Englishmen for their wines in
the Mary and Joice et cetera.}

Examined upon an alleagtion
given in on the behalfe of
the said claimers.



William Serle of Shoreditch neere London
Mariner, aged 21 yeares or thereabouts sworne
and examined.

To the first article and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and
deposeth that hee well knoweth all the producents articulated
saving John Walker , and that within the time arlate they laded
and caused to br laded and put aboard the shipp the Mary and
Joice arlate in this port of London (bound out for the parts arlate)
linnen cloth, fowling peeces, fustians, lead and other goods to
be bartered away the said voyage; and committed the dispositions and
bartering thereof away to one William Warren who went
supracargo of the said shipp the said voyage, and was to reinvest
the said goods in wines or other goods for their best advantage and
to make retourne thereof to this port for the respective accounts of
the said producents, and saith that the said shipp having received the
said goods departed from this port within the said time, and
afterwards arived at Tituan, Sally and Santa Cruz and after
namely in or about ffebruary 1657 last came to Oratavo in
Teneriff one of the Canarie Islands, all which hee knoweth
being one of the said shipps company, all which hee knoweth
being one of the said shipps company, going along in her from
place to place and seeing the premisses soe donne.

To the third and fourth articles hee saith and deposeth that the said
William Warren the said voyage bartered away the said outward
goods soe laden and exported for the said producents account, and
at Oratavo aforesaid invested the same or proceede thereof in
wines for their account, which hee caused to be laded aboard the
said shipp amongest which the said Edward
Wigg , hugh Trevaman and Edward Carpenter had three pipes for
their account as hee heard and as it was said by the said Trevanian in the voyage,
but the particular quantities or shares of the said
other persons hee knoweth not, And saith there were
an hundred and ninetie pipes of wine laded aboard the
said shipp the said voyage at Oratavo by the said William Warren
the foresaid Supracargo, which were soe laded in or about
ffebruary 1657 to be brought in the said shipp to this port, amongest
which were the said wines of the said producents, which hee knoweth
being one of the said shipps company as aforesaid, and seeing the
said wines soe laded, and helping to stow the same.

To the fifth and 6th articles of the said allegation and schedule
therein mentioned hee saith that of the hundred and ninetie pipes
of wine aforesaid soe laded by the said William Warren as