HCA 13/72 f.42v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.42v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


when seized upon by order of the sayd Mrs Ewens, to see how farr distant the
same was from the sayd Mrs Ewens her wharfe, and accordingly
this deponent and the sayd Ryder Noades Palmer Jones Markature and
others went, and the place where the sayd Pryors lighter and lightermen
worked when shee was soe seized being showed unto this deponent
and the rest of the surveyors aforesayd by the sayd Jones and Mark=
ature (as they affirmed notice of the place where shee then lay at worke)
this deponent and the sayd Ryder Nodes Jones Markature and the
sayd Palmer, (in presence of the sayd Pryor and others) did measure,
and found by measure that the place where the sayd Pryors lightermen
were digging ballast at such tymes as the sayd lighter as soe seized,
was and is two hundred sixty three foote distant from the sayd
Mrs Ewens her sayd ballast wharfe, and that the Channell or hole
where the sayd Pryors lighter then worked is pa[r]ted by a firme
banke or shelfe of nynty three foote broad from an other hole or
channel of fifty fower foote broad digged neerer the sayd
Ewens her wharfe, which hole or channell of fiftie fower foote broad
was and is (as the sayd Jones Markature and other watermen who
usually digg ballast affirmed) a Channell or hole wherein the lighter
men imployed by the sayd mrs Ewens, and by her husband in his
life tyme did and doe use to digg ballast, and alsoe found by measure
that the sayd Channell or hold digged by the ballast men imployed
by the sayd Mrs Ewens and her husband (which lyes neerere shoare
then the sayd Pryors Channell by the sayd banke of nynty
three foote broade and the breath of the sayd Ewens her Channell which is
fifty fower foote broade,) is not withstanding distant from the sayd
Mrs Ewens her wharfe one hundred and sixteene foote, for that
as a foresayd, the place where (as the sayd Jones and Markature affirmed the
sayd Pryors lighter lay at worke when seized) is distant from the sayd
Mrs Ewens her wharfe two hundred sixty three foote as aforesayd, And
further to those articles hee (being noe waterman nor ballast man)
cannot depose./

To the 5th and sixth articles hee cannot depose

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie (the danger of periurie being fully
declared unto him as the Interrogatorie requireth) hee saith hee for his
part is noe low waterman, nor lighter man, nor was ever imployed about
takeing up of ballast nor hath any share in any lighters of the sayd Pryors