HCA 13/72 f.429v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.429v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Page in the Canaries thereby knoweth that the sayd don Christovall
da Alvarado had in the yeare 1654 divers goods and marchandizes
in his hands belonging to the sayd John Page which as the sayd
don Christovall acknowledged to this deponent hee receaved in the
monethes of May or June 1654 sent in the shipp Peter and
Anne of London (William Chamlet Master) for Accompt (as by
the bills of ladeing for them which hee this deponent haths seene
appeared) of the sayd Page And further hee cannot depose

To the 5th 9th and 12th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith
that in the moneth of November 1654 (the certayne
day hee remembreth not) the arlate don Christovall da Alverado
did in this deponents sight and presence tender unto the arlate Sydrack
Blake in the port of Oratava in the Isle of Teneriff one of
the Canarie Islands twelve pipes of Canarie wines which lay
then ready at the waterside) and required him to take them aboard
his the sayd shipp the Industrie for Account of the
sayd Page and lade them in the sayd Pages tonnage in the sayd shipp and
transport them for London for the sayd Pages Accompt to whom
they were consigned, And the sayd Blake in presence of this deponent refused
to take them aboard the sayd shipp, and did
not take them aboard and soe departed without them, and left them
on shoare at the port of Oratava, Although the sayd Blake then
well knew that the sayd don Christovall was the sayd
Pages Agent and that he the sayd Blake had the same voyage
taken aboard the sayd shipp of the sayd don Christovall thirty
eight pipes of wine for the sayd Pages Account consigned
to the sayd Page and had laded them in the sayd Pages tonnage in the
sayd shipp And hee further saith that after the sayd Blake
had taken aboard him what goods hee would at Loratava
arlate and had receaved of this deponent there his dispatches
and letters yet the sayd Blake did of this deponents sight
and knowledge after hee had soe receaved his dispatches from
this deponent stay in and off the Roade of Oratava (expecting
as this deponent beleeveth the company of other shipps videlicet two
shipps which afterwards went from Oratava in Company of the
sayd Blakes shipp, of which shipps Peter Steward was the Master
of the one and Lawrence Browneing of the other of them) which
shipps of this deponents knowledge were not ready for
departure at such tyme as the sayd Blake receaved his
dispatches of this deponent, during which stay of the sayd Blake
this deponent remembreth the winde was fayre for his passage
towards England, And further to these articles hee cannot depose