HCA 13/72 f.418v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.418v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


danger of confiscation of his goods as being a subiect of the Commonwealth
of England (as indeede hee is) made use of in his trade and negotiations
and from the Canaries and receaved bills of ladeing from the sayd Perez
his Correspondent there by that fictitious name for such wines as hee
the sayd Perez laded for Accompt of the sayd Britton the bills being
signed for them by this deponent as laden for Accompt of david
Constantine, though they belonged to the sayd Britton and letters of
Advice touching them sent from the sayd Perez and
directed to david Constantine all which hee saith was done for the
securing the sayd goods from Confiscation by reason of the warr aforesayd.

To the 5th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the arlate Richard
Baker is well knowne to him this deponent to bee a Merchant of
London and an Englishman and a subiect of this Commonwealth of England and
a trader from London to the Canaries and from the Canaries to London for
wynes and other Merchandizes and did in the bills of
ladeing which hee this deponent did signe for the goods the sayd
Baker sent in the yeare 1657 in the Saint John Baptist whereof this
deponent was and is Master to his factors at the Canaries,
make use of the names of William and John Vandervoart whom
this deponent knoweth to bee both Merchants of Amsterdam and subiects
of the Lords the States of the United Provinces for driveing on his trade
to and from the Canaries, which hee did for the securing the goods of
him the sayd Baker being an Englishman and subiect of this Common
wealth from Confiscation, and that of this deponents knowledge by
order of the sayd William and John Vandervoart the sayd Baker
did correspond with the arlate Perez and other his the sayd
Bakers Agents at the Canaries the sayd yeare And further saving
his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose./

To the 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the sayd don Lewis
Perez da Victorio the Correspondent of the sayd Robert Britton, having
receaved the sayd goods this deponent brought to the Canaries for Accompt
of the sayd Britton under the feigned name of david Constantine,
did therewith buy and provide for Accompt of the sayd Britton thirty
pipes of Canarie wynes, intending to lade them all aboard the
shipp Saint John Baptist (whereof this deponent was Master) for
Accompt of the sayd Britton yet under the feigned name of david
Constantine, and to consigne them (as all the rest of the sayd
shipps ladeing was) to William and John Vandervoart aforesayd
but the sayd shipp the Saint John Baptist having taken in much wines
for Accompt of the foresayd Richard Baker, after shee had
receaved aboard her
thirty pipes of wine marked as in the margent and stowed five and twenty of them was therewith soe full


laden that shee could stowe noe more aboard her but the sayd Perez
was forced to take the remayning five of the sayd thirty pipes
marked as aforesayd a shoare againe to send them by some other