HCA 13/72 f.416r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.416r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the Master of the Anne Pearcie the voyage in question was among
others commonly reputed a part Owner of the sayd shipp and her tackle
apparrell and furniture in the yeare 1656 And further hee cannot depose to this article
not knowing any of the persons therein named nor what propriety
they had in the sayd shipp or her ladeing./

To the 2 hee cannot depose any thing of certayne knowledge touching
the matters arlate not being present when they were transacted and
done but hath heard a report to the effect arlate and beleeveth
the same to be true And further cannot depose

To the 3 for the reasons aforesayd and saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose of certayne
knowledge but hath heard a report to the effect arlate and beleeveth
it to be true./

To the 4th 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
hee this deponent was in the sixth day of September last, 1657 with
his shipp the fower Sisters of London (whereof hee was Master) and
her ladeing, seized by the shipp Saint Antonio arlate whereof the
arlate Ree Morrice was Captaine, and other Spanish men
of warr in his Company (at which tyme the foresayd Captaine
hare was a prizoner aboard the Saint Antonio) and saith the seizors carried this
deponent and his sayd shipp and ladeing after seizure to Majorca
where this deponent remayned a prizoner for some tyme, And hee saith
that while hee was soe a prizoner there hee heard the Owners of
the Saint Antonio and the sayd Captaine Ree Morris (who is as hee
sayd an Inhabitant of Amsterdam) and divers of his Company (who
were alsoe as they sayd subiects and Inhabitants of the United
Provinces) saye that the sayd shipp Saint Antonio
was in the yeare 1656 built at Amsterdam for [?theis] the sayd Owners
Accompt who are Inhabitants of Majorca, and that after shee was
finished the Command of her was Comitted to the sayd Ree Morris
by some Spaniards who went from Majorca to take possession of
her, and that the sayd Ree Morice with twenty five and a farr greater [XXXXXX] dutch men of his
Company and the sayd Spaniards aboard her sett sayle with the Saint
Antonio from Amsterdam bound for Majorca and under convoy
of the arlate Captaine Lapper and that the Saint Antonio puting
into Torr Bay some of the officers of this Commonwealth
getting Intelligence that shee belonged to Spaniards and was bound
for Majorca procured her to be seized by two English frigotts
and that the sayd Lapper seeing the frigotts board her made up
to her and by force rescued her and brought her thence to
Majorca this hee deposeth by relation of the sayd parties And further cannot depose saving hee saith that had not
the sayd Captaine Lapper soe rescued her shee had not bin imployed
from Majorca (as shee was) to seize the shipps and goods of the English
neither had this deponents sayd shipp the 4 Sisters and her ladeing bin