HCA 13/72 f.400r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/11/08 |
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The 19th day of July 1658/
Examined on the sayd allegation./
Rp. 2
John Thackston of Wapping Mariner Boatswaine of the Mary
and Joyce aged twenty fower yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/
To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee well knoweth being Boatswaine
of the Mary and Jo[?yce] during the whole voyage in question and entering in his booke
all goods laden aboard the sayd shipp both in her outward bound and alsoe homeward
bound voyage That the arlate Phillip Stafford the Master of the sayd shipp did
in the Moneth of July 1657 lade and put aboard the sayd shipp Mary and Jo[?yce]
for his owne proper Accompte shee then lying in the River of Thames bound thence
for Tittuan Sallie Saphia and Santa Cruse and thence to the Canaries to lade wynes
to be thence transported for this port of London some fowling peeces, woollen
Cloath locks sissors k[?nives] needles and other goods And the sayd goods and other
the sayd ships outward ladeing being taken aboard her the sayd Stafford the
Master and his Company sett sayle therewith from Gravesend in the latter
end of July 1657 and arrived therewith at the ports of Tittuan Sallye
Saphia and Santa Cruze and there bartered away one part of the outward Cargoe of the sayd shipp or
the greatest part thereof and with the proceeds thereof went to Oratava in the
Islands of the Canaries where shee arrived in or about the moneth of ffebruary
1657 old style and 1658 new style, where the sayd Phillip Stafford with the goods
soe brought from London and undisposed of at the Ports aforesayd and the proceeds
of those by him at those places bartered away did buy and provide or cause to
be bought and provided and laded aboard the sayd shipp Mary and Jo[?yce] at Oratava
aforesayd seaven pipes of Canarie wynes for the proper Accompt of him
the sayd Phillip Stafford which seaven pipes of wyne when the same were
soe put aboard the sayd shipp were marked with the severall markes hereafter
following videlicet to of them were marked with the first marke in the Margen
of the allegation videlicet T and fower other of them marked with the second marke
in the Margent of the allegation videlicet PC and one other of them marked with the
third marke in the Margent of the allegation videlicet PS
which wines soe marked were all laden for Accompt of the
sayd Phillip Stafford to be transported from Oratava for London in the sayd
shipp and there delivered to the sayd Stafford or his Assignes for his Accompt
the sayd Stafford at the tyme of such their ladeing being and as hee beleeveth
soe still ought to be the lawfull Owner and Proprietor of the sayd seaven
pipes of Canarie wyne This hee the better knoweth for that at the tyme of
ladeing of them hee this deponent as Boatswaine entered the markes of them
into his booke and for whose Accompt laden And further to these articles hee cannot
To the 3: 4th 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
after the sayd seaven pipes of wyne soe marked as aforesayd were laden and
put aboard the Mary and Jo[?yce] the sayd shipp settt sayle therewith and
with other her ladeing from Oratava bound for London And in her
course thitherward in the moneth of March last past the sayd shipp
with the sayd seaven pipes of wine (and all other her ladeing) being then
aboard her were then taken and surprized as the goods of subiects of
the Commonwealth of England by two shipps of warr Commissionated
as the Captaines and Companyes of them gave out (and as this deponent
verily beleeveth) by the King of Spaine for seizing the shipps and goods
of the subiects of the Commonwealth of England, and saith that Jacob
Bolart arlate was or at least gave him selfe out to be Captaine of the
one of them and the arlate John Van Slu[?ce] of the other of them Which
Phillip Stafford
Primary sources
PROB 11/448/268 Will of Phillip Stafford, Mariner of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey. 26 November 1698