HCA 13/72 f.395v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 395 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 28/11/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5116.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/11/28 |
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well knoweth the arlate Symon da herrera Leyva being alsoe a
Correspondent of his in the way of merchandizing and soe hath bin
during the tyme arlate and before and knoweth that the sayd herrera
is alsoe a factor and Correspondent of the sayd Robles and soe hath bin
during the tyme arlate and before and soe still is and did and doth hold corre=
spondence with the sayd Robles and the sayd Robles with him in the way
of Merchandizing and hath within the sayd tyme sent severall
quantities of wines from the Canaries to London for Accompt of
the sayd Robles and receaved divers goods sent by the sayd Robles to
the Canaries to the sayd de herrera and reinvested the proceede
of them in wines and sent them to London for the sayd Robles Account
this hee the better knoweth for that hee this deponent hath alsoe sent
goods for Accompt of this deponent in the same shipps with the sayd Robles
his goods to the sayd herrera and receaved wines from the sayd herrera in Returne
thereof in the same shipps wherein the sayd Robles his wines were
brought And further hee cannot depose/
To the 6th 7th 8th 9th and 10th articles of the sayd allegation and
to the letter in the Spanish tongue in the sayd nynth and tenth
articles mentioned hee saith That by reason hee is a Correspondent
of the sayd Symon da herrera Leyva hee is very well acquainted
with the hand writeing of the sayd Symon, and verily beleeveth
that the sayd letter is all of it the proper hand writeing of the
sayd Symon da herrera Leyva and that the contents thereof are
true and that at the tyme of the writing thereof hee the sayd
Symon did as hee hath therein written intend to send fiftie
pipes of wine for Accompt of the sayd Robles under the
feigned name of Adrian Turin, which is the name the sayd
Robles since the warr betwixt England and Spaine made use
of to conceale his owne name hee being knowne for an In=
habitant of London and a subiect of the Commonwealth of
England, and saith that hee beleeveth and indeede is well
assured there by the name Adrian Turin in the front of the sayd
letter the sayd Robles was and is really meant and intended
And further hee cannot depose not knowing what number of
pipes of Canarie wine were after the writeing of the sayd
letter laden by the sayd herrera aboard the Mary and Joyce for
Accompt of the sayd Robles nor the markes of them nor
what bills of ladeing were signed for them nor what is become
of the sayd bills but beleeveth if none of them be yet come to
the hands of the sayd Robles it is for that since the ladeing of the
wines aboard the Mary and Joyce and her being taken anie other
oportunitie of shipping hath offered itselfe at the Canaries (being
an Island) whereby the sayd herrera might send such bills if any
of them remayne unsent in the Mary And Joyce./