HCA 13/72 f.389r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.389r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the arlate Antonio Rodrigues Robles, forty pipes of Canary
wine videlicet twenty fower marked with the first mare in the margent


Tenn marked with the second marke in the margent and sixe


marked with the third marke in the margent to bee transported to


London And hee saith that the same wynes beings soe laden aboard
the sayd shipp this deponent did signe severall bills of ladeing all
of one tenor for each parcell of wine soe marked, videlicet for one
parcell of them fower bills of ladeing all of one tenor, for an other
parcell of them two bills of ladeing all of one tenor, and for the other
parcell of them three bills of ladeing all of one tenor and having
soe signed them sent them all ashoare to the sayd symon da herrera
L[?eyva] And saith that afterwards the sayd Symon da herrera Leyva
sid send aboard the sayd shipp his letters and dispatches wherein as hee
beleeveth some of every of the sayd bills of ladeing were incloased,
which letters and dispatches hee saith weere taken away from
this deponent upon seizure made of the shipp Mary and Joyce and
her ladeing in her passage home to London by two men of warr
Commissionated (as it was sayd and as hee beleeveth) by the
King of Spaine for seizure of the shipps and goods of the subiects
of this Commonwealth; the Captaines of the sayd men of warr
soe takeing them away but whethere there were any Colourable name of Adrian Turin
used in the sayd bills as the person for whose Accompt the same
were laden, hee remembreth not, the bills of ladeing being taken
away and not extant, And saith the Canaries is an Island and soe
afords noe passage thence but by se, soe that those papers sent aboard
the Mary and Joyce being soe taken away , hee knoweth not whether any
other of the bills of ladeing by him this deponent soe signed are yet
come to the hands of the arlate Antonio Rodrigues Robles And further
to those articles hee cannot depose./

To the 9th article of the sayd allegation and the letter of advice in the
Spanish tongue therein mentioned hee saith hee cannot depose thereto
knowing nothing thereof, nor who is meant by Adrian Turin in the
front thereof nor whether the same be the hand writing of the
arlate Symon da herrera Leyva./

To the 10th hee saith that the sayd Symon da herrera Leyva was desyrous
to have laded tenn pipes of wyne more than the forty hee had laden, aboard
the Mary and Joyce, but shee having taken in a great quantitie of
wynes for Accompt of other persons was soe full that shee could
not receave the same, but was forced to leave those tenn pipes behinde
at the Canaries And further hee cannot depose knowing nothing touching
the writeing of the schedule or letter arlate./