HCA 13/72 f.381v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.381v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second third and 5th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee
this deponent was a ffactor for the arlate Thomas Warren
at Saphia arlate in the yeare one thousand sixe hundred fiftie seaven, and for [?XX]
yeares before, and saith that hee this deponent did at Saphia receave letters of Advice [?from]
the sayd Thomas Warren wherein hee did intimate to this deponent that [?hee]
had laden aboard the shipp the Mary and Joyce whereof Phillipp Stafford
was Master, woollen Cloath, Callicoes, and other goods and Merchan=
dizes to be transported from London to Tittuan Sally Saphia and other parts
beyond the Seas and there disposed of for his Accompt, and that his Brother
William Warren was to come Supracargo in the sayd shipp the sayd voyage
and to dispose of the sayd ladeing and desyred this deponent that when the sayd
shipp and goods came to Saphia (where this deponent resided) hee this deponent
would bee assistant to his sayd brother William in the disposall of the sayd
goods to the best advantage of him the sayd Thomas Warren, And saith
accordingly the sayd shipp went to Tittuan and Sally with the sayd
goods (from both which ports this deponent receaved severall letters from
the sayd William Warren the Supracargo declaring his arrivall at those
ports and that hee had there disposed of some of the sayd goods and
intended to come to Saphia and there to dispose of more of them) And that
when hee the sayd William had disposed of soe many of them as hee
could hee was ordered by the sayd Thomas his brother to goe with the
sayd shipp to the Canaries and invest the proceede of the sayd goods in
Canary wines for Accompt of his sayd brother) And saith that
in or about december one thousand sixe hundred fiftie seaven the sayd
shipp Mary and Joyce arrived at Saphia with soe many of the goods of
the sayd outward Cargo as was undisposed of, and there this deponent did
assiste the sayd William in the disposeing of divers other of the sayd
goods for Accompt of the sayd Thomas, and there this deponent alsoe
shipped aboard the said shipp a good quantitie of gold and waxe which
were effects of the sayd Thomas Warren which hee this deponent had
in his hands, and having soe done hee this deponent went in the sayd
shipp to Santa Cruze with the sayd William Warren and there assisted
him to dispose of more of the sayd shipps outward Cargo
for Accompt of the sayd Thomas Warren which being done this deponent
and the sayd William Warren in pursuance of the order of the sayd
Thomas Warren went in the sayd shipp with the proceede which was
made of such of the outward Cargo as was disposed of, (which proceede [?XXXX]
in gold peeces of eight Amber greese and severall other Commodities
to the value (in this deponents Judgment) of five or sixe thousand pounds
and with the resideue of the sayd shipps outward Cargo undisposed of and
the effects laden by this deponent aboard her at Saphia for the sayd Thomas
his Accompt, to the Canaries, where they arrived about the latter