HCA 13/72 f.37r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 37 |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4401.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/02/22 | |
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Edited on 15/05/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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[inci]dent dammages or charges [on] a shipps voiage at sea according to the
commonly received sente in this (being as this producent understandeth the [XXX] thereof) this rendent not understanding
the signification of the word Perilodmonage, and that in English bills
of lading, primage, averidge, and freight are usually expressed, and in
charterparties usually are expressed freight primage averidges and port=charges And
otherwise saving his foregoing depositions hee cannot depose/
To the second Interrogatorie hee saith, that according to the Custome received amongst
Merchants and Masters of shipps here in England primage and averidge
usually expressed in the bills of lading are understood to belong to the Masters
and Companie for their care and charge to bee had in and about such shipps
lading of goods, to see them well stowed and placed, And saith, That according
to the Customes received in Portugall upon the voiages interrate, such Masters
and Companies have á small duty allowed them called Guindage.
and further saith, That this deponent in Portugall aforesaid hath
in the yeare 1649. being in dispute with one Captaine John Wills
Master of the shipp the good Successe belonging to the rendent and other
English Merchants and coming and arriving at Lisborne aforesaid from
Ria da Genero in Brazeel, concerning the aforesaid Averidge, the said
difference upon the motion of the said Captaine Wills was by this deponents
contract referred to two antient English Merchants there residing, by
whom it was awarded; part the said Captaine Wills should have
an allowance for primage and averidge two hundred and forty Ree's
per Tonne, togeather with a grauity in consideration of the hazard and
danger of the said voiage amounting to fforty pounds sterling [XXXXXXX XXXX]abouts
And further cannot depose as to the priviledges interrate/
To the third hee saith hee rendent cannot make any disquition in point
of the severall dangers and hazards herby Interrate saying that according to
common and constant observation, this rendent hath understood that shipps sayling
for the Brazeel are much exposed and subject to the wormes/
To the 4th hee hee saith hee cannot of his owne knowledge or expeience depose
any thing concerning any such [?Protest] or Co[XXX] as is interrate, And further
cannot depose any thing to the rest of the demands of this Interrogated/
To the 5th hee saith hee rendent well remembreth, That one Captaine haddock
master of the shipp hannibal of London being by his Owner designed to goe
from London to Lisborne to seeke a freight from there to the Brazeele (upon which
voiage hee did not effectually proceed) the said Owners or some of them to prevent
any such dispute or difference concerning such averidges in that voyage [?mentioned]
aforesaid, did treat with the said Captaine haddock, to allow him some consideration
for the same, and that hee insisted upon a third part of such averidge, but that
there was nothing then concluded thereupon, nor doeth this rendent [XXXX] remember
the [XXXXX] of any other Treatie or Treaties of that Nature/:
To the 6th hee saith That hee rendent welll knoweth, That upon such Brazeele
Voiages [XXXXXX] or security is usually given by the Owners of shuch shipp or
shipps or their factors in great summes to returne the said shipps and lading into the
Dominions of the king of Portugall there to pay the said kings Customes
And saith, that such voiages are usually procured by the Owners of such
shipp or shipps, or by their factors or Agents resident in Portugall And
further, [XX] to the actuall procuremenent of the voiage in f[XXXXX] , or of the security
in such Cases usually taken as aforesaid, hee saith hee cannot of his owne