HCA 13/72 f.376r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.376r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Warren (who went the sayd voyage in the sayd shipp solo ffactor and
Supracargo for the sayd Thomas Warren) disposed of, and the proceede
thereof reinvested in Gold peeces of Eight and other merchandizes to the
value (in this deponents Judgment) of about five or sixe thousand pounds
all which Gold peeces of eight and other Merchandizes and the residue of the
sayd shipps outward ladeing not disposed of as alsoe some other
Marchandizes and moneys which this deponent by order of the sayd
Supracargo tooke in at Saphia and Santa Cruze (and which were as
hee beleeveth the effects of the sayd ThomasWarren) hee this deponent
carried in the sayd shipp to the Canaries where shee arrived with them
on or about the five and twentith day of January one thousand sixe
hundred fifty seaven (old style) And being there arrived part
of the sayd shipps sayd lading, consisting in Gold peeces of eight
and other Merchandizes, were by the sayd William Warren there
disposed of, and with the effects thereof the sayd William Warren
at the port of Oratava in the Canaries in the moneth of ffebruary
one thousand six hundred fiftie seaven old style did lade and put
aboard the sayd shipp Mary and Joyce whereof this deponent was
Master a hundred and fiftie pipes of Canarie wynes for Accompt
of the sayd Thomas Warren to bee thence transported for London
and there delivered to the sayd Thomas or his Assignes for
his Accompt And further to those articles hee cannot depose./

To the 5th 6th and 7th articles of the sayd allegation and the bill of
ladeing therein mentioned hee saith that about the tyme of the ladeing
of the sayd hundred and fiftie pipes of wine aboard the sayd shipp
Mary and Joyce for Accompt of the sayd Thomas Warren, the sayd
William Warren did alsoe lade aboard the sayd shipp forty pipes of
Canary wynes for his owne Accompte (saveing hee beleeveth one
hugh Trevenion William Walker Edward Wigge henry Carpenter
John holder John hayward and Thomas Bale All English men and
servants or Agents of the sayd Thomas Warren had some smale
interest or adventure in some of the sayd forty pipes) which forty
pipes of wine with the other hundred and fiftie pipes of wine
laden for Accompt of the sayd Thomas Warren amounted in all to
one hundred nyntie pipes of Canarie wynes And this deponent (being
the arlate Phillip Stafford) did signe two bills of ladeing all of one
tenor for the sayd whole hundred and nynty pipes of wyne in the
filling up of which bills the sayd handred and nynty pipes are thus
distinguished that one hundred and fifty of them were for Accompt of
the sayd Thomas Warren, and the other forty of them for Accompt of