HCA 13/72 f.373r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.373r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 8th article of the sayd allegation hee saith the sayd shipp
Mary and Joyce having receaved aboard her the sayd hundred
and ninetie pipes of wine sett sayle therewith and with other
goods in her (besides the sayd wynes) of a very considerable
value (but the certayne value hee cannot declare) belonging to the
sayd Thomas Warren from Oratava bound for London, but
in her course thitherwards the sayd shipp Mary and Joyce and
her sayd ladeing were in the moneth of March last mett with
and seized (both shipp and ladeing) by two frigotts or men of warr
Commissionated (as their Companyes affirmed to this deponent
after seizure) by the King of Spaine for seizing the shipps and
goods of the subiects of this Commonwealth of England,
which men of warr (as their Companyes alsoe told this deponent after
seizure) belonged to dunkirke, and (as they also sayd) the arlate
Jacob Bolart was Comander of one of them, and the arlate John
Van Sluce Commander of the other of them, which Commanders
and their companyes with their sayd shipps of warr carried the Mary
and Joyce and all her sayd wines and ladeing to the Groyne in Gallisia arlate
this hee the better knoweth for that hee was aboard the Mary and
Joyce at such her seizure, and upon seizure was put aboard the sayd
Bolarts shipp as a prizoner and carried in her in Company opf
the Mary and Joyce to the Groyne aforesayd and further hee cannot

To the 9th 10th and 11th articles of the sayd alleagtion hee saith
hee cannot depose thereto for that not long after his coming into the Groyne
hee and the foresayd William Warren his precontest who was alsoe a
prizoner procured their passage in a dutch shipp thence to Rotchell
and soe stayed not at the Groyne till the Elizabeth arlate tooke the
wines arlate into her from aboard the Mary and Joyce, but saith
hee beleeveth the sayd hundred nynty pipes pf wyne or the
greatest part of them were taken out of the Mary and Joyce and
put aboard the sayd shipp Elizabeth (marked as aforesayd) and
that the sayd shipp Elizabeth with the greatest part of the sayd
hundred and nyntie pipes aboard her were afterwards taken by
the Bryar ffrigott a shipp in the imediate service of this
Commonwealth and brought into the River of Thames, for that
this deponent was aboard the sayd shipp Elizabeth in the River
of Thames after her seizure and sawe a great many of
the sayd pipes of wyne which were formerly laden aboard the
Mary and Joyce aforesayd at the Canaries then and there aboard the sayd