HCA 13/72 f.36r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.36r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


made to and upon the second of theise Interrogatories, And saith hee hath no
particular knowledge of the busines of dobbins interrate, nor of the
influence thereof in matter of such agreements as are interrate, And
further cannot depose:/

To the 10th hee saith hee knoweth nothing of any such allowance as is
interrate, nor of the particular state or condition or allowance to Mr
dobbins or Companie in the voiage interrate./

To the 11th hee saith hee knoweth not of any other allowance to the Masters
and Companies of shipps sayling from the places interrate, than what hee
hath predeposed, this rendent having never had any settled residence saveing
at Lisbone Roane and London, and referring himselfe to his precedent
deposition hee saith hee cannot knowingly further depose./

To the Interrogatories in the second place/:. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the said Interrogatories and all and singular the matteres therein
demanded hee saith hath no manner of knowledge

Augustin Coronel [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before doctor Godolphin:-/