HCA 13/72 f.369r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 369 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/11/27 |
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whole hundred and nynty pipes of wyne for that hee knoweth the sayd
two bills were filled up with his this deponents owne hand writing
and having perused the bill to the sayd alleagtion annexed well knoweth
the filling up thereof to bee his this deponents sayd hand writing, And
alsoe saith hee knoweth the sayd bill to bee a reall and true bill of
ladeing and not colourable And hee further saith that by reason hee
was supracargo as aforesayd and privie to the transactions done on the
behalfe of the sayd Thomas Warren the voyage in question hee
thereby knoweth that one hundred and fiftie pipes of wines parcell
of the sayd one hundred nynty pipes of wine were really bought
provided and laden aboard the sayd shipp the Mary and Joyce
out of and with the goods and effects and for the Accompt of the sayd
Thomas Warren And that noe person but the sayd Thonmas
Warren hath any right or part in any of the sayd hundred and
fiftie pipes of wyne And further to those articles hee cannot depose/
To the 8th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the sayd hundred
and nynty pipes of wine being soe laden and put aboard the sayd
shipp the Mary and Joyce the sayd shipp sett sayle therewith and with
other goods in her of the sayd Thomas Warrens to the value
(beside the sayd wynes) of about three thousand five hundred pounds
sterling, from Oratava bound for London but in her course
thither in the moneth of March last mett with and seized
both shee and her sayd ladeing by two men of warr Comm=issionated
(as it was sayd) by the King of Spaine for takeing the shipps and
goods of the subiects of this Commonwealth of England, which
men of warr or ffrigotts (as it was sayd) belonged to dunkirke
or Ostend and, (as it was sayd and by them given out) Jacob
Bolart arlate was Commander of one of them and
Jojnn Van Sluce arkate Commander of the other of them Which
sayd Commanders with their sayd men of warr carried the
sayd shipp the Mary and Joyce with all her sayd wines and
their ladeing (after they had soe seized her and them) into the
Groyne in Galisia This hee the better knoweth for that hee
was Supracargo and aboard the Mary and Joyce when
shee was soe seized and carried prisoner aboard one of
the sayd ffrigotts in company of the sayd shipp into the Groyne
aforesayd And further to this article hee cannot depose./
To the 9th 10th and 11th hee saith hee cannot depose for that soone after his coming
into the Groyne hee procured passage thence for Rochell and soe stayed
not at the Groyne to see the Elizabeth take in the wynes arlate from
aboard the Mary and Joyce but saith hee beleeveth the sayd shipp Elizabeth