HCA 13/72 f.364v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.364v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


taken downe to make her the more fitt for warlike imployment
and that shee had when shee was seized by the Preston ffrigott
thirteene gunnes aboard her and for those reasons hee verily
beleeveth and indeede is well assured that the shipp Cane Marchant
whereof the sayd Somers was Master and the shipp Change seized by the
Preston ffrigott is one and the same shipp And further to those articles
hee cannot depose/

To the Interrogatories on behalfe of his highnes the Lord
Protector./ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was noe wittnesse to any bill of sale
nor sawe any money paid for the shipp Interrogate neither can hee
answere more particularly to the conmtents of this Interrogatorie than in his
foregoeing deposition is declared./

To the 2 third and 4th hee saith that while the sayd Somers was in possession
of the sayd shipp as Comander of her shee had a halfe deck and a deck and forecastle
and tenn gunnes but the quality of them hee remembreth not And
more particularly hee cannot answere to those Interrogatories save
what in his foregoeing deposition hee hath declared./

To the 5th and 6th hee saith the burthen of the Cane Merchant was in
his Judgment about seaventy or eighty tonne, and of about
the sayd burthen shee continued when shee was called the Change
and saith the last tyme hee saw the sayd shipp Cane Merchant
in the possession of the sayd Somers was in the yeare 1655 as
aforesayd in the downes And saith the last place hee sawe the
shipp the Change at was Plymouth where shee yet is and
verily beleeveth and in deede knoweth her to bee the same shipp which
was called the Cane Merchant and whereof the sayd Somers was Master
by the signes and reasons in his foregeoing deposition declared And further
to those Interrogatories hee cannot answere/

To the 7th Interrogatorie hee saith hee hath satisfied the contents thereof in
his foregoeing deposition soe farr as hee can and further cannot

To the 8th hee saith the Change the tyme Interrogated was imployed as
a man of warr And further hee cannot answere

To the last hee saith hee sawe the shipp Change since her seizure
(by the Preston ffrigott) at Plymouth and saith shee hath three gunns
more in her then shee had while shee went by the name of the
Cane Merchant but lesse decks, her halfe deck and forecastle being
taken away since And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere/

Edward ffinch: [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]