HCA 13/72 f.353r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.353r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and lawfull owners and proprietors of the said shipp and of her
tackle, apparell and furniture, and for such commonly accompted,
which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent being at Amsterdam
did in or about September last [?XXXth] them to buy her there, and
shee being soe bought, this deponent was by them and their order
constituted Master of her, and had and tooke the said mastershipp
upon him.

To the second and third articles hee saith that the said shipp being
soe bought, the said owners there fitted her and in or about the
end of November last set her out under the conduct of this
deponent with a cargo of goods, to goe and saile from Amsterdam
for their account for the Barbada's there to trade or thereabouts
with the said outward cargo, and to make retourne thereof for the
account aforesaid. And saith that the cargo for the most part
belonged to the said owners, and the rest to Jewes or other merchants
living in Amsterdam, and hee beleeveth that noe owners of
this Commonwealth had any interest in the said lading.
And further that the said goods being soe laded the said shipp departed
from Amsterdam therewith, and in or about the beginning of
ffebruary last arived at the Barbadas, with her said
lading, and that in or about the fourth day after sich her
arivall, shee was by Captain Mynns and company in the
Marston Moore frigot belonging to this Commonwealth there
seized with her said lading, and this deponent and company
dispossesed of her and her said owners deprived thereof.

To the fourth article hee saith that the said Robert Stiles,
William kiffen, William Peacock, ffrancis Prince and Seagar
Corsellis owners of the said shipp, were and are all English men
and subiects of this Commonwealth and for such commonly reputed
and likewise commonly esteemed to be persons very well affected
to the present government thereof.

To the fifth hee saith that at the time of the said seizure this
deponent had the exemplification of the affidavit annexed and
now showed unto him aboard under the greate seale of this
Court, which hee saith hee showed unto the said Captain Mynns
desiring him by vertue thereof to forbeare the said seizure, the
said shipp and most of her lading (as hee affirmed) belonging to Englishmen and
therest to other friends of this Nation, howbeit hee not only
[?proceeded] in the said seizure, but alsoe tooke away the said
Exemplification from this deponent with the rest of his writings
and bookes, and still keepes the same.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee had belonged to and bin master of
the said shipp from the said time of her said buying to the time
of the said seizure, And saith hee was borne at East