HCA 13/72 f.348v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.348v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Madrid where hee by p[?rocesse] had got a sentence of restitution
for a shipp whereof hee had bin master and another whereof his
brother had bin master remaining at Santa domingo where they [?had]
bin seized and taken from them, and withall the said Claus
at Madrid as it was alsoe commonly said and is himselfe (in ?whose gutter]
company this deponent often was a{?t} Cadiz) reported got leave to bring
or freight a shipp from Cadiz to goe to Santa domingo to fetch [?off]
the said two shipps. And of this restitution and permission which
being sent to the owners to Amsterdam, Barent Claeson arlate
brother of the said Claus came shortly after over to Cadiz from
Amsterdam from the said owners, and bought with him [?cordage]. [?sailes]
and rigg to carry to Santa domingo for their said shipps, and brought letters of order to John d[?XXX]
and Peter Poulla the younger to furnish him with moneys to
buy a shipp, and that after such his comming the said Barent bought
a shipp there of Vice Admirall da Ruiter who was then there
with some prizes that hee had taken from the Turkes, amongst
which the said shipp was one, and had bin there some space before
the comming over of the said Barent, and saith that the said Barent
having soe bought the said vessell, and not having money enough
to pay for her and some goods which were bought there to be laden
aboard her for the owners account, by reason that the said
d[?ormion' and Poulla, as they said had
not order enough to furnish him with soe much as hee then
demanded, this deponent at the request of the said Barent
lent and advanced unto him the summe of one thousand peeces of
eight upon bottomerie or grosse adventure;
afterwards there came order (before the shipps departure) that
the said d[?ormion] and Poulla should repay him this deponent
his money againe, which was afterwards donne by them. And
saith the said shipp departed from Cadiz with twelve guns
and some wine and oile and carrying a President and
some servants for Santa domingo, and the said two brothers
Claes Johnson and Barent Claeson went in the command
of the said shipp, The premisses hee deposeth being then a
Marchant living in Cadiz and well acquainted with all
the said parties, and having treated to but the said shipp of
da Ruyter for himselfe before the said Barent came and
bought her. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

Upon the rest not examined by direction of the producent.

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first and second hee saith hee first saw the said shipp
at cadiz as aforesaid, and otherwise hee cannot answer saving negatively
for his part.

To the 3 and 4 negatively for his part and otherwise hee cannot

To the 5 and 6 hee saith hee never knew the said two brothers before
hee soe mett them at Cadiz, and otherwise hee cannot answere