HCA 13/72 f.347v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.347v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


learne the language, saw Vice Admirall de Ruyter come in [?thither]
with several prizes which hee had taken from the Turkes, and
afterwards hee saith the arlate Barent Claeson meeting this
deponent, told him that hee had there bought a shipp being one of
the said prizes of Vice Admirall de Rutter to goe for Santa domingo
to fetch off his and his brothers said two shipps which they brought
thither from Guiney, and were there staid by the Spaniards, and
their goods, having as hee said obtained license of the king of
Spaine to that purpose, and asked this deponent if hee would
be hired and goe one of the company, whereunto this deponent
condescended, and was hired and embarqued in the said shipp,
which hee saith was called the Nicholas, and this deponent saw [?twelve]
peeces of ordnance put into her, and fourtie peeces of wine
and fiftie arobes of oile for her owners account, and saw
a Spanish President and foure servants embarqued for Santa domingo,
with which the said Claes Johnson and Barent Claeson and
company departed and after safely arived at Santa domingo
Where the said masters found their said two shipps sunck and
useles, whereupon being loath to loose their voyage, they got license
of the Gouvernour to take in twelve other guns that had bin
belonging to their said two other shipps into the Nicholas,
and to get a freight for her for Spaine, which being grannted,
they tooke in many goods upon freight and severall for their
owners and others, namely tobacco, hides, cacoa and other
goods, All which hee knoweth going from Cadiz in the said shipp
and seeing the premisses soe done, And otherwise hee cannot

To the eighth article hee saith that after the premisses
namely about a yeere and halfe since, the said shipp having receaved
in her said lading of goods and many passengers at Santa
domongo for Spaine, shee departed thence therewith, but this
deponent being gonne sick ashore was left behinde there
soe that hee knoweth not ought after befell in the voyage
to the said shipp or masters, not having since seene the said shipp
nor the said masters till lately that hee came hether and met
the said Barent Claeson, And otherwise hee cannot depose

To the 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. and 14 hee cannot depose, saving as aforesaid

To the 15th hee saith that the Nicholas carried noe other [?armes]
or ammunition to Santa domingo but her owne twelve guns and [?XXXX]
for her owne ordinary defence, or any souldiers or passengers
save the said President and foure servants, but saith the shipp
Saint Mary a dutch shipp carried greate store of ammunition armes
and souldiers from Cadiz to Santa domingo, and departed from
Cadiz about a moneth before the Nicholas, which hee
knoweth because hee this deponent was imployed at Cadiz to
help lade the said armes and ammunition aboard the Mary before
hee was hired into the Nicholas, and saw the souldiers enter
in the Mary; and afterwards when hee came to Santa domingo