HCA 13/72 f.341r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.341r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the said owners, And that the said shipp the Saint Nicholas in or about
the beginning of November (old stile) 1656 sett saile from Santa domingo
with all the said goods both those upon freight and those laden for the
proper account of the said owners and the said [?passengers] bound for Cadiz, and that in their
course thitherward, they were on or about the first of Januart
last past was a twelve moneth new stile met with and seized by the Maidstone
frigot belonging to this Commonwealth neere Cape Saint Vincent, and
carried thence to or neare Tituan to the ffleete of this Commonwealth
then there under the commannd of Generall Blake, And saith that at
the time of the said seizure all and singular the goods aforesaid both
those upon freight and those laden upon the owners particular account
were on board the said shipp Saint Nicholas, and came to the power and
possession of Captaine Adams commannder of the Maidstone frigot
and Company and by them were carried to the said fleete, where and
on the coast of Portugall they were all taken out by the officers of
the said fleete and disposed of by order (as the said officers said) of
Generall Blake. And further that there were alsoe in the said shipp
Nicholas at the time of the said seizure (and came alsoe to the possession
of the said Captaine and company) a parcell of peeces of eight to the
number of upwards of twenty thousand in the chests and
custody of the Spanish passengers. All which hee knoweth
seeing the foresaid goods laden and signing bills of lading for
the most part of them, and with his brother comming from Santa domingo
with them and being aboard at the seizure and seeing the premisses
soe donne, and seeing the said peeces of eight for the most part of them
And further deposeth not.

To the nyneth article hee saith and declareth that at the time and
upon teh said seizure this deponent and his said brother freely and
fully declared to the said Captaine Adams and company and afterwards
to Generall Blake what goods they had aboard with the quantities
and particularities thereof that were soe laden upon freight, and
declared that they were laded at Santa domingo by Spaniards bound for
Cadiz upon Spanish accounts as they beleeved saving a parcell for a
sutch skipper that was a passenger and 195 bull hides for the said Dutch gentleman and declared alsoe what was laden
as aforesaid for the owners account, with the summes due for freight of
the goods laded upon freight according to the rates and summes predeposed
And saith that the said dutch skippers goods were afterwards restored unto
him by order of Generall Blake, by the officers of the said fleete, who
received the freight of him for his said goods being those
above mentioned in the schedule with a stroake drawne before them
beginning - 128 bull-hides in parte for freight 500 peeces of eight, and
therest coming to -2339 peeces of eight and 1/8 was
payable tfor the freight of the said dutch skippers goods.

To the tenth article hee saith that this deponent and his said brother
Claes Johnson Engell had in their said shipp at the time of the said
seizure for their owne particular use two silver candlesticks five
silver cups, and a silver cover for a cupp, three silver platters,
two dozen of plates, seaven spoones, eight forkes and one sword
with a silver hilt, all which the said Captaine Adams tooke into his
owne custodie, and upon their averring that they were their owne, the said
Captaine said that hee would be answerable for them to them and gave this deponent
a note inder his hand of the receipt thereof.
