HCA 13/72 f.338v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 338 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/11/18 |
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shipps interrogated nor ought of or concerning them, And otherwise
cannot answer.
To the fourth hee saith hee was never upon the coast of Ginney [?nor GUTTER]
knoweth which of the places interrogated it lieth neerest with; but saith hee
hath bin in sight of the Iland of Saint Christofers interrogated, but was never
ashore in it. And otherwise cannot answer.
To the fifth Interrogatorie hee saith hee once or twice saw the interrogated
Nicholas Johnson Engell come to the gate or grate of the
foresaid prison while this deponent was soe kept therein, which was [XXX GUTTER]
two and twenty monethes since; And this deponent taketh [?it ?is GUTTER]
a dutchman who is now attending to be examined in this busines ?as ?a GUTTER]
witnes, is named barent Claeson, and this deponent hath alsoe knowne
him for the said time, having seene him alsoe come to the said prison, [?and GUTTER]
since met him here, And to the rest of this Interrogatorie hee saith hee
knoweth nor hath heard ought thereof.
To the 6th hee cannot answer.
To the 7th it concerneth him not, hee not having deposed to [?thXX GUTTER]
To the 8th hee cannot answer ought thereto.
To the 9th hee cannot answer thereto.
To the 10th hee knoweth nothing thereof as hee saith.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
examined upon the foresaid allegation.
Rp. 2.
Bernard Niclaesen of Amsterdam Mariner, aged 34
yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
in the moneth of August new stile 1652 the arlate Nicholas Johnson Engel
was set forth from Amsterdam by the now claimers in this cause
Peter Pulla and others in a shipp called the Angell with [?XXX GUTTER]
twenty guns, and this deponent the late master of the shipp the
Nicholas in question (being brother of the said Nicholas Johnson) was
at the same time set out by the same owners in the shipp called
the Yellow Sunn carrying twenty two guns, both bound with [?their GUTTER]
respective cargazons for Guiney to fetch Negro's, to be thence [XXX GUTTER
to Martinica or Saint Christofers or some other free port or place
as they the said Masters hould thinke convenientest for the busines
of their said owners, and this hee saith was and is true and notorious
To the second article hee saith and deposeth that the said shipps the
Angell and the Yellow Sunn under conduct of the said masters
safely arived with their outward cargo's in or about december new stile 1652
at Guiney, where the said masters disposed and trucked away their
outwards lading for Negros, and bought therewith for their said owners
their account seaven hundred fourtie and three Negro's, who were
all imbarqued there aboard the said two shipps, and carried thence there[?with GUTTER]