HCA 13/72 f.335r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.335r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


may prevaile therein And to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively

To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith hee hyred the sayd Towers and his servant in Ratcliff
in the parish of Stepney and there agred with him for the wages aforesayd And
saith the sayd shipp began her voyage from London, but her company entered into
whole pay at Gravesend and the voyage was to end at London And saith hee
made noe agreement as to any sett tyme when the wages agreed upon should
bee paid neither did hee receave any order from the
Interrogate Barton or any other to the effect Interrogate And further
hee cannot answere/

To the 3 and 4th Interrogatories hee saith that upon the Gold Coast neere the Roade of Corman=
tine divers of the sayd shipps Company (whereof the sayd Towers and
his man to the best of this deponents knowledge and remembrance were
none) did bring the sayd shipp to an Anchor without this deponents
consent and refused to goe any further in her unlesse this deponent would enter
into bond to pay them their wages due at their arrivall at Barbados, which
for that this deponent was loath to have the voyage prove ineffectuall to
the Owners of the shipp hee was foreced to doe without having the consent
of the Interrogated Isaack Barton or other the Owners of the sayd shipp And saith
the sayd Bond was at the Barbados put in suite by those in whose names
the same was taken whereof the sayd Towers and his servant were none
and saith there was an order of Court there made for payment of the wages
then die to those that sued (whereof the sayd Towers and his servant were
none) and as hee hath heard and beleeveth some moneys and goods were
paid to those who soe sued by one Edward Barton, a factor to the sayd
Isaact Barton and other the Owners of the sayd shipp but how much hee knoweth
not And further hee cannot answere/

To the 5th hee saith the sayd Towers was Boatswaine of the shipp Interrogate and
his mans name was John Morris and hee was about seaventeene or eighteene
yeares of age and was this deponents Cabbin boy./

To the 6th hee saith the sayd Towers and his sayd servant when the sayd
shipp came to the Barbados did forsake the service of her and they went into
the service of an other shipp and came not home to England in the ffreindshipp
Interrogate And further hee cannot answere/

To the 7th hee saith that hee this deponent (being the Interrogate Thomas hya[?ll]) did
leave the service of the sayd shipp ffreindshipp in the Barbados and
came not home to England for that hee this deponent at the
Barbathos fell sick of a Calenture and by that meanes was disabled
to returne home in her./

To the 8th hee saith the Interrogated Towers did not give any Accompt before or
at his departure from the shipp Interrogate to this deponent (th esayd hya[?ll])
of any the things Interrogate, And saith hee this deponent did for his part
deliver the Negroes bought with the goods of the Owners of the sayd shipp before
hee left the sayd shipp, and after gave an Accompt thereof in England to the

To the 9th, hee saith that the tyme Interrogate hee this deponent (being the sayd hya[?ll])
was Owner of a sixteenth part of the ffreindshipp Interrogate/




Edward and Isaac Barton


Primary sources



C 5/537/17 Short title: Pelham v Steel. Plaintiffs: Herbert Pelham. Defendants: John Steel, Abigail Steel his wife, Edward Barton, Isaac Barton and others. Subject: personal estate of, John Harrison, deceased. Document type: Bill, two answers, two schedules