HCA 13/72 f.332v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.332v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


was bound to, and arived at the Barbada's laden with beere,
some wine, tiles, bricks, iron, and other goods fit for that trade
as linnen, and hatts and stockings and other goods for [?XXX]
which goods were for the most part belonging to the said owners and
the rest were belonging to other Merchants and laded [?as]
freight by Jewes living in Amsterdam and consigned [?to ?XXX]
living in the Barbada's,[INSERTION: and were laded by two Irish men living in Amsterdam namely John White [?Josephson] and Andrew [?Crengy] but the owners goods were left to this deponent [?XXXX]

To the 3. 4 and 5th Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that this deponent
master of the said shipp had a passe for the said voyage granted by the
Commissioners for the Admiraltie and navy of England interrate
of the tenor of the schedule annexed to the said Interrogatories and now
showed unto him; And saith that the said shipp riding in the roade
of the Barbada's where shee was taking in her homeward lading
and had received about fourtie or fiftie tonnes of sugar, and
about [?XXX] baggs of cotton wooll aboard, shee with all
her said sugars and cotton were seized by Captaine Mings
in the Marston Moore frigot (belonging to this Commonwealth)
and companie on or about the tenth of ffebruary last old stile,
and thence carried for Jamaica, after this deponent and
company were turned out of her, and after this deponent had
showed the originall of the said schedule anneded unto him
which originall upon this deponents said showing, the
said Captaine Myngs tooke from him, and keeepes it, And
saith the said sugars and cottons were shipped
and laded by Jewes and English men living in the Barbada's
amd were belonging part thereof to the said owners of the said
shipp. And saith the said sugars were then worth about
fourtie shillings sterling per hundred and the cottons about fourteene
pence per pound. And further hee cannot depose.

To the last hee saith hee was the master of the
said shipp the time aforesaid, and was disposessed of
the same and of her said sugars and cottons by the meanes
predeposed, referring himselfe to his foregoing deposition.

Jacob dirick [?XXXX] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The tenth of June 1658. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of the said Roya nd}
others touching the Golden dove}
or Revenge}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.



James Wilkey of London Merchant aged
33 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined

To the first 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. and 8 articles hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
the producents John Roy, William Caskraft, Joseph hammond
and James drawater and alsoe the shipp the Packet frigot
arlate, whereof hee saith the said producents were the time arlate
and are the true owners, And further that hee alsoe well knoweth
the arlate Albert Cock, who hee saith comming from holland in a
certaine vessell,a nd loosing her in the voyage
came to Saint Lucars and there brought an English vessell called the